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Everything posted by ianmc

  1. I'm wondering if I could get some very basic advice as I think about trying to create a new Fantasy world to game in. I'm working on the magic system (which I will probably solicit advice on later) and I am thinking that I will try to keep it low-medium powered. I would like to offer the players a second way to acquire special skills (powers) which are not magical. Think D&D 'feats'. My question is how to leave this somewhat open-ended (allowing the players to design what they want) without it replacing the magic system. As an example, let's say a player wants his barbarian warrior to have the ability go into a rage, increasing his speed and strength. It seems silly to make this a magical power (requiring Magic Rolls, etc.), but if I just rule something like this is ok, what's to prevent the next player to say that he wants a 'inherent ability' that allows him to shoot fire from his eyes, or grow to an enormous size, etc. So, my question is, do I: (A) Let the players come up with ideas and accept/reject based on a case by case basis ( Set a limit on how many points a player can spend (per ability and in total) © Leave the ability idea alone but come up with some great benefit for becoming a mage (instead of a non-mage with a long list of special 'abilities') Anyone have some input?
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