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Everything posted by oconnellmd

  1. Re: Forte 2000 - My Campaign site Thanks for checking it out. Doesn't he? You can thank artist Eryck Webb for that. He took the orginal artist/creator's concept and really made it his own. You can tell that's his favorite character to draw.
  2. http://www.forteuniverse.com/forte2000 Just thought I'd share a campaign site. "Forte" was the name of a very successful campaign that ran for a number of years. It was featured heavily in The Clobberin' Times, the Champions APA that I helped found and was central mailer of for a couple of years (you might recognize the names of some of the Clobberin' Times members...Dave Mattingly, Sean A. Vierra, Chris Avellone, "Common Grounds" creator Troy Hickman, and some guy named Steve Long (whatup, guys?)). The campaign officially ended when everyone went away, but continued on in convention games at our annual San Diego Comic-Con gatherings, and in fiction and such. We just couldn't let it die. I just got to thinking one day what would happen if we started the campaign up again...with the original four players. Same team, same city, all-new characters. What would we create? I threw the idea to my other three founders, and we all came up with characters. And I liked them so much, something just had to be done with them. It started as a fiction project...a sequel to the Forte game called "Forte 2000". But we actually started playing a little bit, and got some of the other players involved, and they created new characters, too. So it became an actual game...for a little while. But it started to evolve and became more of a virtual campaign, with fiction and fictional game reports. And a lot of art. So the site is sort of half-real-campaign, half-fictional. But we have a lot of fun with it. Thought I'd share. I'll tell you right away, don't go looking for sheets. Sorry about that. Don't have any up at this time, but we're working on it. But lots of fun stuff to look at, lots of (I hope) cool stories, and a really badass collection of campaign art...most done by a guy named Eryck Webb, but some by other artists (like a guy named Storn you may have heard of). So, if you just dig super-hero stories and great-looking hero art, all stuff born from a Champions game, drop on in and check it out. Love to hear what you think. Might give you some ideas, you never know. Hope you check it out, and hope you enjoy. Michael O'Connell oconnellmd@aol.com P.S. -- While you're there, try the "Forte Universe" link. Goes to some other Forte-related pages that are in the works, too.
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