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Files posted by Rapier

  1. Convention Export Format (RTF)

    This is the RTF export format I use for conventions. I started with the fantastic work of RPMiller; I could not possibly have done this without him doing all the heavy lifting before me.
    This is designed to print a multi-page character packet that uses a significant number of the fields from Hero Designer. Before I created this, I would export a character to RTF and then spend 5 or 10 minutes "massaging" the sheet to get what I wanted. Except I would forget to do this on one and that on another; it was just a mess. Instead, I tried to get everything as I wanted into the Export Format so I only had to export and print. No massaging is required. Well, there is a little bit, but that is more about where column breaks fall, and that isn't difficult or time-consuming. I hope you find this helpful!
    Points have been removed, they can confuse those unfamiliar with Hero. You do need to turn off Display Active Points when you create powers; you can set this as default in Preferences->Display. All distances are in inches (instead of meters) for ease of use. Beware! Having a movement power applied to "Secondary Total" screws things up. Don't do that. If anyone has a fix/workaround I would love to hear it! All character background fields are used. Campaign Use is where the scenario/campaign background information goes. Pictures are included. Images must be in jpg format and square (equal height and width). Equipment END removed. Martial Arts are included but need the "Martial Arts:" list title. Cheat sheet information included (range mods in inches, CVs, DEF, basic maneuvers).  
    First page is:
    Character Name Alternate ID  Genre: Name of the event Player Name: Description of the character (eg male dwarf fighter, blaster) Image: 7.5" x 7.5"  
    If you have any ideas for improvements or find somewhere I screwed up, let me know! 
    Initial Version: 2023.12.31




  2. Writer's Guidelines - 5th Edition

    This is the 5th Edition Writer's Guidelines. I have found it handy as a baseline for creating documents. Not sure how it would/if it changed for 6th. This is not in any way meant to imply this is an official thing or whatever. I find it useful and thought other's might.




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