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About Rapier

  • Birthday 02/14/1973

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    Aurora IL
  • Biography
    Built on 350 points
  • Occupation
    Teacher (HS Physics, Astronomy, and Computer Science)

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  1. Ohhh, that might work. It would be easy to use then too. I wouldn't need to fiddle with stuff.
  2. Yes, I am using Weapons, which creates the problem. Instead of having a potential newbie try and determine how many DCs add to how many dice (or having to have that conversation so I can do the math every time), I just want the sheet to say "it's 12d6." I am tempted (just to make my life easier), but purchasing weapons as Martial DCs and being done with it. These are Con characters, so I could give them as many points as I want. If I build them to 250 with a weapon and then just go back and buy the weapon as Martial DCs, it wouldn't matter if the points are at 250 any more. It is def something I want to look at. My javascript is rustier than one of the Fallout trucks, so I might look at what I could do with a REPLACE and a MATH. Or I must just continue to edit the final product. lol.
  3. Oh! I see. When I used the TEXT tag, it gives me the entire text. I will have to figure out how to pull out just the EFFECT out of the TEXT. I am on a time crunch with this, so I will have to shelve it until after the convention, but I see what I need to do. THANKS!!
  4. I hate to bug you about this, but I guess I'm confused about the tags. I was trying to tinker with it this morning, but there are two MANEUVER_EFFECT tags. One is (pic in red) in the MANEUVERS, but there is another under MARTIAL_ARTS (pic in blue). If I want to use the Maneuver Effect that I edited in HD, which one of them is that? EDIT: Also including the code snip I'm using.
  5. Ohhhh, I wondered if that was the case. I will look around and see if I can find a different export format to steal the code from. I'm not sure I can afford the time right now. Tyty!
  6. As per our previous conversation, I decided that, in many cases, it would be easier to edit the descriptions in HD instead of continually editing them in the RTF export. I realised I was resistant to this idea because my neurospiciness wasn't happy with having some lines blue and others black. I am still struggling but adjusting. These are for my GenCon games, so I want them to be as simple as possible. So I am editing a Weapon +2DC martial maneuver to just put the total dice (no math). I change the maneuver to say 12d6. I export the RTF sheet and in the Martial Arts section it still says "Weapon +2 DC." Pics attached. It doesn't appear that the RTF export format is getting the edited text from HD. I am just finished with the supers and making my final tweaks before printing. I only have two martial artists. All 12 fantasy characters have martial arts. PLEASE tell me there is a way around this problem! As always, big fan, keep up the good work! EDIT: I just noticed that Takedown (when specified as a weapon maneuver) has two spaces between "Weapon" and "Strike."
  7. Hmm. I knew that, but I hadn't considered it. I think that might be the shortest path from A to B.
  8. Ugh. I think I will probably just keep adjusting them manually. Redefining a bunch of powers seems like more bother than it is worth.
  9. Finalising my GenCon characters and proofreading them. I have exported them like 47 times at this point during the process. There are a few spots where I have been manually editing text EACH TIME. It would make my life easier if I could set the non-WG abbreviation, but I am unsure how to do so. I have "Use Abbreviation Where Possible" turned on and "Use WG Abbreviations" off. I have looked through my export templates, appPrefs, campaign rules, and I don't see anywhere to add a specific abbreviation. Does it go in the Export Format or the Campaign Rules? How would I format it? If you could point me to the correct space, I can tinker with it. Just not sure where to start. Thanks!
  10. I have a couple of families/groups that sign up for games every year. I had an entire family drop my game on Saturday morning so I have four seats available if anyone wants to play fantasy furries! https://www.gencon.com/events/247388 https://513cag.wixsite.com/sanctuary-at-homeste/forum/cag-sah-at-gen-con-2024/fast-and-the-furriest-no-laughing-matter My Thursday morning game is probably too early, but I have a few spots open there as well. https://www.gencon.com/events/247385 https://513cag.wixsite.com/sanctuary-at-homeste/forum/cag-sah-at-gen-con-2024/galactic-federation-the-vor-iithl-ex-verdict
  11. Just wanted to get the ball rolling. I have just submitted the initial description of my events for next year. I am actually using some new characters this year, so I am busy creating those now. It would be nice to see some of y'all this year, and we should def try and set something up.
  12. Version 1.0.0


    This is the RTF export format I use for conventions. I started with the fantastic work of RPMiller; I could not possibly have done this without him doing all the heavy lifting before me. This is designed to print a multi-page character packet that uses a significant number of the fields from Hero Designer. Before I created this, I would export a character to RTF and then spend 5 or 10 minutes "massaging" the sheet to get what I wanted. Except I would forget to do this on one and that on another; it was just a mess. Instead, I tried to get everything as I wanted into the Export Format so I only had to export and print. No massaging is required. Well, there is a little bit, but that is more about where column breaks fall, and that isn't difficult or time-consuming. I hope you find this helpful! Particulars: Points have been removed, they can confuse those unfamiliar with Hero. You do need to turn off Display Active Points when you create powers; you can set this as default in Preferences->Display. All distances are in inches (instead of meters) for ease of use. Beware! Having a movement power applied to "Secondary Total" screws things up. Don't do that. If anyone has a fix/workaround I would love to hear it! All character background fields are used. Campaign Use is where the scenario/campaign background information goes. Pictures are included. Images must be in jpg format and square (equal height and width). Equipment END removed. Martial Arts are included but need the "Martial Arts:" list title. Cheat sheet information included (range mods in inches, CVs, DEF, basic maneuvers). First page is: Character Name Alternate ID Genre: Name of the event Player Name: Description of the character (eg male dwarf fighter, blaster) Image: 7.5" x 7.5" If you have any ideas for improvements or find somewhere I screwed up, let me know! Initial Version: 2023.12.31
  13. Convention Export Format (RTF) View File This is the RTF export format I use for conventions. I started with the fantastic work of RPMiller; I could not possibly have done this without him doing all the heavy lifting before me. This is designed to print a multi-page character packet that uses a significant number of the fields from Hero Designer. Before I created this, I would export a character to RTF and then spend 5 or 10 minutes "massaging" the sheet to get what I wanted. Except I would forget to do this on one and that on another; it was just a mess. Instead, I tried to get everything as I wanted into the Export Format so I only had to export and print. No massaging is required. Well, there is a little bit, but that is more about where column breaks fall, and that isn't difficult or time-consuming. I hope you find this helpful! Particulars: Points have been removed, they can confuse those unfamiliar with Hero. You do need to turn off Display Active Points when you create powers; you can set this as default in Preferences->Display. All distances are in inches (instead of meters) for ease of use. Beware! Having a movement power applied to "Secondary Total" screws things up. Don't do that. If anyone has a fix/workaround I would love to hear it! All character background fields are used. Campaign Use is where the scenario/campaign background information goes. Pictures are included. Images must be in jpg format and square (equal height and width). Equipment END removed. Martial Arts are included but need the "Martial Arts:" list title. Cheat sheet information included (range mods in inches, CVs, DEF, basic maneuvers). First page is: Character Name Alternate ID Genre: Name of the event Player Name: Description of the character (eg male dwarf fighter, blaster) Image: 7.5" x 7.5" If you have any ideas for improvements or find somewhere I screwed up, let me know! Initial Version: 2023.12.31 Submitter Rapier Submitted 12/31/2023 Category Export Formats Output Format RTF (Rich Text Format) Rules Version HERO System 6th Edition  
  14. That did it! I changed the file format and the sizing is working perfectly. Well, the image is HUUUUUGE, but I can play with that and get it to where I want it. tyty!
  15. Hmm. I will try that tomorrow morning. It isn't a complete nightmare, it isn't a huge amount of work to resize the image before printing, it is just something for me to forget!
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