Export Formats
HD Export Formats
59 files
PC Play Copy Export Format
By Rapier
This is the "nonConvention" version of my character sheet. I started with the fantastic work of RPMiller; I could not possibly have done this without him doing all the heavy lifting before me.
This is designed to print a multi-page character packet that uses a significant number of the fields from Hero Designer. Before I created this, I would export a character to RTF and then spend 5 or 10 minutes "massaging" the sheet to get what I wanted. Except I would forget to do this on one and that on another; it was just a mess. Instead, I tried to get everything as I wanted into the Export Format so I only had to export and print. No massaging is required. Well, there is a little bit, but that is more about where column breaks fall, and that isn't difficult or time-consuming. I hope you find this helpful!
Points have been removed, they can confuse those unfamiliar with Hero. You do need to turn off Display Active Points when you create powers; you can set this as default in Preferences->Display. All distances are in inches (instead of meters) for ease of use. Beware! Having a movement power applied to "Secondary Total" screws things up. Don't do that. If anyone has a fix/workaround I would love to hear it! All character background fields are used. Campaign Use is where the scenario/campaign background information goes. Pictures are included. Images must be in jpg format and square (equal height and width). Equipment END removed. Martial Arts are included but need the "Martial Arts:" list title. Cheat sheet information included (range mods in inches, CVs, DEF, basic maneuvers).
First page is:
Character Name Alternate ID: Archetype Info (eg Opossum Druid, Male Speedster) Image: 7.5" x 7.5"
If you have any ideas for improvements or find somewhere I screwed up, let me know!
Initial Version: 2024.09.07
Character - 2 col - No Points.hde
Convention Export Format (RTF)
By Rapier
This is the RTF export format I use for conventions. I started with the fantastic work of RPMiller; I could not possibly have done this without him doing all the heavy lifting before me.
This is designed to print a multi-page character packet that uses a significant number of the fields from Hero Designer. Before I created this, I would export a character to RTF and then spend 5 or 10 minutes "massaging" the sheet to get what I wanted. Except I would forget to do this on one and that on another; it was just a mess. Instead, I tried to get everything as I wanted into the Export Format so I only had to export and print. No massaging is required. Well, there is a little bit, but that is more about where column breaks fall, and that isn't difficult or time-consuming. I hope you find this helpful!
Points have been removed, they can confuse those unfamiliar with Hero. You do need to turn off Display Active Points when you create powers; you can set this as default in Preferences->Display. All distances are in inches (instead of meters) for ease of use. Beware! Having a movement power applied to "Secondary Total" screws things up. Don't do that. If anyone has a fix/workaround I would love to hear it! All character background fields are used. Campaign Use is where the scenario/campaign background information goes. Pictures are included. Images must be in jpg format and square (equal height and width). Equipment END removed. Martial Arts are included but need the "Martial Arts:" list title. Cheat sheet information included (range mods in inches, CVs, DEF, basic maneuvers).
First page is:
Character Name Alternate ID Genre: Name of the event Player Name: Description of the character (eg male dwarf fighter, blaster) Image: 7.5" x 7.5"
If you have any ideas for improvements or find somewhere I screwed up, let me know!
Initial Version: 2023.12.31
This export format is used to translate a Hero Designer character into a plain text file, which may be imported into a Roll20 HeroSystem6eHeroic character sheet using the API script HeroSystem6eHeroic_HDImporter.
One of the challenges of running a Hero game in Roll20 is the time required to prepare pre-gen characters, NPCs, and monsters within Roll20. The importer was tested with more than a hundred characters and monsters from Dead Orc Pass, Kazei 5, and Monster Hunter International. Many more should work, although the HeroSystem6eHeroic sheet is currently limited to ten powers.
Basic steps:
1) Export a character from Hero Designer using HeroSystem6eHeroic.hde.
2) Open the text file in a text editor.
3) Copy all of the text (use cmd-A or ctrl-A).
4) Paste the text into the Roll20 chat window of a HeroSystem6eHeroic campaign, which has been configured to use HeroSystem6eHeroic_HDImporter.
5) Hit enter. The script should provide notification of success and the character will appear along with other characters.
6) Optionally, if the Hero Designer file included an avatar image this will be exported separately. You may import the image via the 'Edit' button at the top of the character window in the usual way. The avatar will appear on the character sheet. For best results use images with dimensions of 250x250 pixels.
Note that use of the Roll20 API requires a Pro-level subscription.
For more information please see the HeroSystem6eHeroic_HDImporter documentation, script, and sample files located at its GitHub site.
RPMiller Exports -- RTF
By HeroGM
Zip of all of Miller's original RTF files for Hero Designer.
By schir1964
Screenshot provided by Durzan Malakim.
This is nearly the same as the default character sheet:
Uses external Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to make customization of the template easier Changed HTML formatting to make customization of the template easier Printing now correctly page breaks on a new page and text does not get split in half if it overflows the existing page. Corrected a typo in the Combat Modifiers table header: 65-128 should be 65-125 Minor display changes in the Defenses section and Hit Location section
These files need to be in the same directory as the exported file:
herologo.jpg normalize.css - Allows the character sheet to display the same way in different browsers CemExportTemplateDefaultHtml6e.css - Contains all the stylings for the character sheet Printer.css - Contains style information specific for printing (part of the fix for page breaks)
It's possible to copy all the CSS styling and place it inside the template itself so that external styles are not needed.
Just make sure the CSS code remains in the same order as it is listed above.
Author: Christopher Mullins
By schir1964
A simple three column 5th Edition HTML export template for Hero Designer.
Template architecture:
Uses external CSS files to handle all styling of the character sheet. Uses CSS Flex Box to handle columns and also seems to prevent text lines from being split in half when printing. Includes a standard normalize CSS external file that should make the character sheet display the same way in different browsers. HTML export file contains only the data itself and formatted into easily identifiable sections. Page breaks for new pages are handled correctly for printing.
The benefit of this architecture makes modifying this template fairly easy.
Add or remove sections. Change styles without modifying the HTML file.
I built this as a request.
Feel free to contact me in the forums if you have any question about architecture or how to modify it.
- Christopher Mullins
- 5th edition
- three column
- (and 3 more)
Modified Tasha's Ultimate Character Sheet - updated
By Thirtybird
This is an updated and fixed version of Tasha's Ultimate Character Sheet - the latest version is awesome for printing with a great layout, but there were some bugs and inconsistencies to be corrected to polish it up a bit.
All changes build on the work of the original author (v1.5.4) and their work can be found here: Tasha's Ultimate Character Sheet - Original Author
the following changes were made to v1.5.4 to arrive at this version
1.6.0 - 2021-Jul-21
fixed invalid HTML tags on non-breaking spaces
Untangled page 4 tables for skills,talents, etc. to be all aligned on the IF/ENDIF checks for those sections
Gave more space for the cost and roll columns in all sections
Highlight Multipower pool/Name, and List names in all sections
Made Notes and character name style consistent across all sections/pages
Added global replace for 1/2 dice fraction to use HTML fractional tag (at very bottom of file)
Added "Combat Tactics" field to the top of page 2 making page 2 a complete combat detail
MediaWiki Equipment Table
By lendrick
Export your equipment in a simple MediaWiki table format.
By Brennall
This is the hero exporter file to transfer your character into the new Tabletop Simulator Hero System Mod.
The TTS Mod can be found here ..
6E Simple Export Template Redux
By sentry0
A simple export template designed for the Hero System 6th Edition by sentry0.
Much like the other simple template I created this uses a clean borderless format for printability Unlike the previous template this template includes hit locations, called shots and range modifiers I went with the classic characteristic block print layout as opposed to breaking it apart into different sections (combat, defenses, etc) Skills, talents and perks are now using a dual column layout Appearance, background, complications etc have been moved to the end of the template498 downloads
Full Characteristics Block (Unofficial)
By sentry0
Use this template to get a version of the Full Characteristics Block writeups you find in the backs of books. This is a fan made version not the official HERO Games export template.
AFAIK there is no standard way of writing out the FCB for 6th edition as each book I looked at was a little different. This is my own personal format that follows the 6e1 book and the Champions Villains books closest.
You'll still have to do a some formatting by hand, in particular the Powers and Complications sections will need to be massaged a bit to get them into the proper format. The export format should get you 90% of the way there though, I hope!
This export template is intended to present everything you need to play in four pages as long as you keep the number of items to display within certain limits. Exceeding the limits adds a page, and usually doesn't look good doing it.
The first page can support around 5 to 7 Perks, 5 to 7 Talents, and 10 to 12 Complications. The second page can support around 40 Skills and 20 to 25 Martial Maneuvers. The third page can support around 30 to 35 powers and equipment descriptions. The fourth page can support a page worth of Background and Personality description.
6e Killer Shrike HTML/JavaScript
A 6e multipage HTML export format for Hero Designer
In addition to using it as is, a user can also enable the "Notes 5" tab using HD's Campaign Preferences feature, allowing a given character using such a Campaign Preferences ruleset to opt into altered and / or enhanced output when exported using this template.
The more prominent options available are:
Combat Page: Hit Locations Hit Location notes Range Modifier notes Suppress any of the standard maneuvers that have common Martial equivalents For instance, on a character with Martial Throw, it can be convenient to omit standard Throw from the Combat Maneuver chart The format is "var flagShow<Standard Maneuver Name>=false;" Bio / Background page: Suppress the entire page from the output (useful for minions, and generic write ups) Other: Change colors (main, alt, link) Change fonts inject custom logic to interject whatever valid javascript logic you want function applyExportSettingsOverride(){ /* whatever js code you want here */ } Various header and subheader text replacements (which I should make the time to document, but currently are discoverable by reading the function applyExportSettings() in the template document)
- tabbed
- open-frame
- (and 10 more)
Norfressa For Wizards
By dlapine
4 page Template for Fantasy Hero 5th edition. Based on the default template. Designed for two-sided printing.
Prints the real costs for items in a VPP, so that spell casters can immediately see what real points each slot is using.
Includes point totals for each section in the header and Total Equipment costs in SP
Includes a PSL section in the combat summary
Pg1 Characteristics/combat tables
Pg2 Skills/Powers
Pg3 Martial Arts/Perks/Talents
Pg4 Disads/Equipment
NOTE: use the first 2 lines of skills for PSL or leave them blank! The template will print the first two skills as PSL's
- prefab
- package deal
- (and 8 more)
6e Simple Export Template
By sentry0
A simple export template for the Hero System 6th Edition
Designed to be a clean and minimalistic (relatively) template that prints reasonably well Follows the DRY principle (Don't Repeat Yourself) whenever possible I tried to make the template easy to read and well labelled Heavily influenced by Legendsmiths excellent RTF export templates
- 6e
- export template
- (and 1 more)
XML Export Template
By sentry0
This export template will create a simplified XML document of your character.
Please note that the HERO System Mobile app used to use the output of this file. As of 2021-06-20 the app no longer supports reading in characters exported using this format in favor of loading Hero Designer files directly.
Gear Catalog
By feralucce
This is a simple gear catalog for those of you who are running a gear heavy campaign (Star hero, steam punk and fantasy hero can be gear intensive). It is based on the 6eHTML_UltimateCharacterSheet (Blue) by Division.
Enter the gear type in the name field (Pistols, Survival Gear, Spy tech, comms, etc) Create your gear as individual powers. export.
Print's well - there is no border.
There is no photo slot in this export template. Printing to PDF works VERY WELL
Mobile App Export Template
By sentry0
This export template will create a HTML5 mobile app that you can use on your phone/tablet/laptop/PC. I've included a dice roller that is suitable for use in your sessions as a dice replacement...I've ran a session where we used nothing but this app and a pencil and paper and it actually worked out pretty well. In some cases (particularly around calculating damage) it's actually faster than rolling all those dice and calculating BODY, STUN, KB, etc.
You can use this on a regular PC it is really meant to be run on a mobile device so I would encourage you to try it out that way. You can also use the developer tools in Chrome to simulate a mobile device dimensions by hitting F12 and hitting ctrl+shift+m...pick the device you want to use. You could also just shrink your window down real small
Windows and Linux
Install the attached .hde file as you would normally Export your character using the new template Android (Option 1)
Export the character using the new template Save the webpage to your Android device Open Chrome and type in file:///sdcard/<PATH_TO_FILE>. Example - file:///sdcard/Download/red_star.html Android (Option 2)
Export the character using the new template Save the webpage to your Android device Install a HTML viewer like Visor HTML Browse to the saved webpage from step 2 in your HTML viewer (important - open the file from within the app itself, there's some issue with loading it from the file system that's beyond my ability to fix) Android (Option 3)
Export the character using the new template Save the webpage to your Android device Install a webserver (I recommend kWS Server) Start your server Browse to the saved webpage from step 2 Mac
I'm not a Mac guy but I imagine the usage would be similar to Android...sorry!250 downloads
KillerShrike HeroDesigner Exports for 5e and 6e
By Hyper-Man
This is a zip file of all the great html export formats created by KillerShrike.
They are mostly for 5e but there are a few 6e versions as well.
Uploaded with permission.
Basic Package Deal Export Template
By Lyinggod
This generates an unformatted HTML output that is similar in layout to package deals/templates as found in the Hero System genre books with a few minor modifications. The actual output is intended to be pasted into a layout program such as Indesign, Scribus, Word, Openoffice, etc. where the actual final formatting is applied. The attached images include examples of actual HTML output, the output pasted in to a text editor (in this case NOTEPAD), and the final result of formatting in a layout program. This uses javascript to overcome some quirks with Hero Designer export templates.
The output has only been tested in the Chrome browser so your mileage may vary.
I have included documentation within the HDE file that hopefully make things clear as to how it works and why it works the way it does.
This export template is a derived work based on The Ultimate Character Sheet version 1.5.4. The template is style-sheet-driven so you can change colors, fonts, and text-sizes easily.
I have tried to make the style class names as human-readable as possible so you understand what content the style class controls.
All layout is done with HTML tables. In general, each page is organized as follows:
Each page has a separate <div> element. Each page also has a page-border <table>. Each page-border table has a header row and one or more body rows. Each row of the page-border table contains one column (cell). Each page-border table cell contains one or more content tables. The template page order is:
Page 1: Special header with HERO logo Characteristics Computed values Track END, STUN, and BODY Experience Points Movement Complications
Page 2:
Normal page header Skills Perks
Page 3:
Normal page header Combat Values Combat Skill Levels Combat Maneuvers Range Modifiers Called Shots Hit Locations
Page 4:
Normal page header Attack powers Defense powers Movement powers Sensory powers Equipment Martial arts Talents
Page 5:
Normal page header Powers Equipment
Page 6:
Normal page header Information Character image Background For quick reference, here are the template colors:
Background color of headers (dark gray): #4c4c4c Text color of headers (golden-yellow): #ffcc00 Background color of normal defenses and STUN (light blue): #a8a8ff Text color of normal defenses and STUN (dark blue): #0000aa Background color of resistant defenses and BODY (rose red): #ffa8a8 Text color of resistant defenses and BODY (dark red): #aa0000 Background color of END (light green): #8ad18a Text color of END (dark green): #006b00 Background color of mental defenses and mental combat values (light purple): #feaefe Text color of mental defenses and mental combat values (dark purple): #660066 Background color of power defenses (light orange): #ffcfa8 Text color of power defenses (dark orange): #ff6600 Text color of power names (orange bronze): #cc6600 Text color of complication names (dark red): #aa0000 Notes:
Most browsers require extra configuration to print background colors. You must manually select or clear the resistant defense check-box from the HTML output.452 downloads
Tasha's Background Sheet
By Tasha
A sheet that prints the background and basic Name fields.
include the herologo.jpg file in the same directory as the outputted character sheet for best appearance (BTW any file 150px wide and 67px high will work in the place as herologo.jpg as long as it has that name)
- HERO System 6th Edition
- HERO System 5th Edition
- (and 2 more)
RTF - Narosia Character Summary - LS
By Legendsmiths
This Export Formats should be used to create output similar to the Summary Format from Legendsmiths's Narosia: Sea of Tears game. The export places Sensory Powers, Attack Powers, and Defense Powers in the appropriate categories, but then repeats them in the Additional Powers and Addtional Equipment section — you will need to edit/delete the duplicates. The format does recognized "CARRIED" items and will only list carried items in the Sensory, Offense, or Defense sections.
I've uploaded 2 sample files. The first is the raw output. There are always some things that you will want to clean up, or rearrange. This can be accomplished quickly, and you can see that even 30 seconds of rearranging can get you to the layout you want. Especially with multipowers, VPPs, equipment, etc, there just is no right way to automatically arrange all the things.
HD's handling of images limits support of images to JPEGs. Additionally, image size definition from HD is in pixels while RTF requires twips and there is no way that I have discovered to perform the necessary x15 conversion to get the dimensions right. However, the image is output onto a single page for various reasons and as part of the post output touch-up can simply be resized.
Pages 1-2 actually work well as a vertical "tent" of sorts. If printed double-sided, fold it in half and place the image side towards the other players. That leaves pages 3-4 as the character reference sheet and puts the character's Complications front and center.
Shields, and multipowers in general, are impossible to put into the proper categories. I probably spent way too much time fiddling with REGEX to try and get the Shield to fall under Defenses on its own and I just can't do it reliably.
Only those Powers not listed elsewhere (PERCEPTION, MOVEMENT, DEFENSE, OFFENSE) are listed here. For Narosia, this works out pretty well and keeps the sheet clean.
Equipment is listed in a summary and a complete format. Delete the one you don't want. Weapons and Armor should show up under Offense and Defense, as well as magic items related to Senses and Movement. The complete Shield output in MP style is included as well so you can just copy/past it under Defense (the only solution I could come up with).
Skill levels are another tricky beast that I decided it wasn't worth the potential errors in logic to try and solve. Combat-related levels show up under offense but then get duplicated under Skills. Delete as you like.
This format does work in LibreOffice (pretty well)with the exception of font specification. MS Word and LO handle font tags slightly differently and do not agree that Lithos Pro Bold and Lithos Pro (Bold) are the same font. If you don't have Lithos Pro, it should use Arial instead.