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Posts posted by ch0wyunf47

  1. Re: Weakest Supers in books you've read?


    Weak is only in the eye of the beholder. As a character Doug is powerful...and remember that he is even a character in death as his legacy lives on as it were.


    To me weak characters are those conceptualized from the Liefield model, codename ill defined powers and attitude. But that is all that is there!


    Those are the weakest superheroes!




    I by no means think that characters like Cable were not weak characters; I was referring to their powers/abilities, and Cypher had always stuck out in my mind as someone who got the short end of the stick on the powers end.


    I am now leaning towards Double Header as the "winner". :)



  2. Re: Weakest Supers in books you've read?


    I don't think I've ever read Double Header. Is he just a conjoined twin or is it an actual power? That was what I was more leaning towards when I started the thread :) The super-normals are, IMHO, often way more powerful/useful than guys like Cypher. His power COULD be really useful and done more impressively, but I was mostly laughing at their description of why it was a power and not a skill.


    Good points about the writing tho, hadn't thought about that. I guess any hero with a writer unable to use them is going to be in trouble.



  3. Re: Weakest Supers in books you've read?


    Weak is one thing, bizarre or highly specialized is another. With Warlock's help, Doug Ramsey once defeated the Magus, and on another occassion he prevented Lila's Dyson sphere home from self-destructing. In one issue of "What If?" he became advisor to Illyana, Queen of Asgard, and helped bring peace to the Nine Worlds.


    I'd have to say the weakest super-hero I can think of is probably Robin, the Boy Wonder. He's a very intelligent adolescent jock with a bunch of neat gadgets.


    Somehow, I'd still rather have Robin on my side. I would argue that being a relatively peak athelete with a handful of sweet gadgets (not to mention having access to most, if not all, of his mentor's resources) would be much more preferable to having something less useful than a babelfish (not to diss the babelfish). Cypher was esentially a human version of one except that he wouldn't fit in your ear, nor were there an abundant supply of him.


    I do agree that Robin is not super-powered, and thus has less powers than Cypher. That was kind-of my point though. I was struck by the low level of his mutant power. They basically said "because he does it in his sub-concious, he's a mutant, and not someone who's just really good at being a translator".



  4. Possibly the weakest team member I've ever seen in a comic book: Cypher, from the New Mutants. for reference: http://www.marveldirectory.com/individuals/c/cypher.htm


    He can translate. I especially love their description of why he's a mutant and not somebody who's just studied a whole lot. 'Really, he's powerful! Why don't you believe me? Where are you going?'


    Any other votes? I wasn't counting characters out of things like Watchmen, which only featured one 'real' super hero.



  5. Re: Weird Coincidences


    Years ago, I was running a GURPS supers game (I hadn't learned champions yet, so be quiet =P) and I had the players investigating some strange government plot. They were infiltrating a secret base out in the desert and found an alien fighter and a lab where they had kept one of the aliens alive. I had everything diagramed out and fun was had by all.


    The next day we go to see Independence Day and I'm sitting with my friends who I ran the adventure with. Low and behold, the lab where Brent Spiner shows off the Alien and the Alien fighter was pretty much exactly how I had diagramed the adventure out. The placement of the walk ways and the bay windows was what really caught our attention (exactly the same as my little maps). Of course, we had been joking about the possibility of it being the same as they entered the lab/storage area. It was pretty creepy.

  6. Re: Mystery Disad? What the....?!


    Well' date=' one PC turned out to be a demon. [/quote']


    I was about to suggest something similar: Having the player really a mutant when they think they're a magician (or vice versa, etc). It doesn't take a lot of points and can work to campaign seeds pretty easily.


    I like the many demons exactly the same as her showing up. Cool beans.



  7. Re: How do YOU do: Rogues Gallery Hunted?


    The one thing I would recommend is thinking of how your favorite comic book title handles that kind of thing. If it's like the Avengers (Busiek style) the two (orgs and individuals) are usually seperate, and don't work together often, which might happen fairly often in your campaign if players have 11-'s on both orgs and indies. If the individuals in the rogues gallery are likely to hire onto an org for some misdead than I'd say your mechanics are pretty darned solid. Otherwise I would stick to having them operate independently.

  8. Re: Looking for a Costume Designer


    I've always used HM to come up with a basis for an idea. Their pieces don't always work well, and the poses may be off for what you want, but I can usually come up with something close to what I had in mind and just use that as a basis. Perfect it is not, and the art style may, again, be off from your mental picture but there is a free version to play around with that's probably worth checking out.



  9. Re: Fantasia: witch needs review


    Just read some comics, and you'll see that being overweight is quite a distinctive feature. Admittedly, it completely depends on the campaign, and the GM, but I would rate overweight as more distinctive than being black, hispanic or asian on average. Not to say that there might not be social limitations from being a minority, but as far as DF goes I'd say that overweight would be more of a disadvantage. How it's more of a disadvantage than being a mutant is a little odd, but as long as your GM doesn't care.



  10. Re: PSI-BLADE for review


    I might go with "no visible effects" on the flight thing, keeping her more stealthy. I would also try and re-organize the physical attack powers into the TK power group just to show a distinction b/w the telepathic attacks and the TK attacks.


    My 2 cents.


  11. Re: PSI-BLADE Version 2


    What direction did you want to take the character in? In terms of combat ability, it seems like she is not only pretty easy to hit, but pretty slow and not that tough. I'm not saying that she should be geared for combat, but it seems like you're sacrificing room for some out-of-combat stuff that could really make this character sweet.


    I would go back to the EC for the TK stuff, just for combat flexibility in that you could have the full FF and flight up at the same time. You're relatively low on defenses as is, and having to reduce the FF to fly around might not be the best plan in the world.


    I do have one question tho: What are you thinking of, flavor-wise, for the differences in the power bases of the two multipowers? It seems like there are a couple of the attack powers (The spear and mace) that have more of a physical presence than the other psi attacks and could overlap with the TK powers. I'm guessing it'd be explained more in the background, making this question moot :)


    I do like the char a lot tho. Cool stuff. Reminds me a bit of Psylocke w/o the silly ninja stuff.



  12. I'm currently involved in my first PBEM game and it's really enjoyable. It's especially fun playing a character with a bunch of incantations and such, b/c it allows for much better roleplaying, IMO. The time to actually write stuff is great, especially for those of us who both GM and play, because it allows for enough comand over the character and tone of writing that isn't neccessarily available in FTF.


    I still love FTF roleplaying just because of the social interaction that you don't get in PBEM, but both have a lot going for them.


    As for starting one, it seems like these boards are a pretty good place to get players and such. I know I've only been haunting the boards since I moved away from my hometown and have been stuck without gaming opportunities down here.


    As for running one, I don't really have any experience (I hope to fix that soon) but there are lots of good guides and guidlines available on the web.

  13. I nearly went with a metaplot built-in to the campaign world that I've been working on and such. Basically, there's some other unseen radiation type thing that came from Nuclear power and it allowed for the mutations neccessary for mutants to exist. There had been pulp heroes and such before the emergance of Nuclear power, but not a whole lot of them (this follows the histroy of comics relatively well, and provides for fun things like the generally western-skew to things).


    Anyway, if anyone has seen the anime Giant Robo (or as I saw it subtitled in a pirate copy from Hong Kong "Gaint Robo", "Giant Robot", "Giant Lobo", "Ginat Lobo"...) you might see this coming from the whole Shizuma driver thing.



    The plot was so badly translated that I could only kind-of understand what's going on, but it basically went like this: There was this new super-powerful source of energy, called the Shizuma Driver (named after the doctor who invented it) which was uber eco-friendly and super-efficient. There was a bi-product from the driver that entered the atmosphere, but only the scientist really knew about it. During the show, there's a group trying to come up with a bomb (think EMP type thing) that will destroy all of the Shizuma Drivers, and the heroes of the show are trying to stop them from causing a world-wide blackout. The 'twist' is that after 10 years of that bi-product being put into the atmosphere it would cause some reaction with the oxygen in our atmosphere (this actual reaction is a complete guess as the translation was really just that bad) that would kill everyone, so the 'villains' were actually trying to save humanity, etc.


    It was a cool idea, and I was trying to put that into the gameworld as a possibility, partly because the anime (much like many animes) was clearly referencing nuclear power (including a city that was destroyed by some reaction thing). The biggest problem is that I watched that particular anime with one of the players and the other two had seen it. The show had resulted in several inside jokes as well, leaving the meta-plot basically useless.


    In short: My idea was to use the one from Giant Robo b/c it's cooler than any meta-plot i've come up with in years.


    Btw, if anyone likes giant robot anime and crazy plots, check out Giant Robo. If you're lucky, you'll get the pirate copy like I did and be utterly amazed at characters changing names, the various translations of obviously english words, typos, and the utterly amazing ability to change the name of the series EVERY EPISODE. The series was named "the day the earth stood still" which had all kinds of fun translations. Why they varried is beyond me.

  14. It does sound like a fun style of campaign, and would really allow for a lot of character development.


    The only trouble I had with STR 20 on bats was that he really didn't look to be at the top end of human physical capabilities. I imagine the MA and maybe a DC or two would be plenty to knock out a thug.


    I haven't read the Dr. Doom thing yet, though I plan to.


    I wrote up a couple #1 characters a couple of years ago, but they were not at all golden-age. It's interesting now that the standards for power level are signifigantly higher, and new characters RARELY can be done under 250 pts. My write-up of Shadowhawk (Image character. there's a total of 3 good issues. Total. Although, those three are rather superb. I digress...) turned out to be exactly 250 on the first try. But any of the 'newer' heroes are all pretty impressive power wise.e

  15. looks like batman doesn't have that CVK for that first issue...


    Shows some good athletics, no devices. Clever use of a wrench though. I can't imagine him being beyond 150 pts. STR around 15, DEX around 15 too. Definitely not absurd, but always has the drop on everyone. I can't see him not having NCM. He seems to be rather smart, but definitely not the supra-genius that he is today.



    STR 15

    DEX 15

    CON 15 (no way to tell...seems pretty buff)

    BOD 10 (better than 8, for sure)

    INT 13

    EGO 13 (Grim smile? definite chutzpa)

    PRE 15 (possibly higher)

    COM 16 (They did mention him being a playboy)

    PD 3

    ED 3

    SPD 4 (high for a normal, and has the drop on people)

    REC 6

    END 30

    STUN 21


    Acrobatics, breakfall, AK: Gotham(?), KS: Business, Business etiquitte, High Society, Deduction and likely Coversation. Prolly a couple of h2h levels and definitely wealth. Was he driving a 39' ford???


    Basic comic-book MA. Flying tackle, throw, choke hold (deadly!), martial strike.


    Seems to be mysterious, and kind-of detached (although not as extreme as he is now). Definitely observant.


    Compared to write-ups I see of him today, wow.

  16. I like the red lightning. It definitely looks keen, though does smack of Madman.


    I'm also fond of the Crimson Storm name, but it sounds like the St. John's "Red Storm" team. She could be their mascot! (j/k)


    As for powers/origin what popped in my head was someone kinda like Zora from the Powers comic, in that she has this stern and super-confident air about her, and seems like she has had the powers for most of her life. kinda boring, I suppose.


    It kinda looks like she's holding the bolt. Maybe she can create things with it almost like the Green Lantern, but with lightning stuff instead. I'm not sure she could create stuff like cars or whatever the GL can, but walls/stairs/lighting spears... something...


    Wow I'm articulate...

  17. Some friends of mine and I were sitting around during a champs game eating some chinese food from the favorite local eatery when our terrible idea for a character came into being. General Gao. He had a "Gaoss" (get it? hah! ... I will now light myself on fire) cannon, which was either an hurty entangle or a 'sticky' NND (defense: no sense of taste/smell. you can't resist the delicious Gao sauce).


    In other regions you could go for a Tao-chyon cannon I suppose, but Gao is way better, IMO.

  18. I've played a lot of secret ID chars, and there definitely is a common thread amongst them: All but one have been really smart. I think the lowest INT i've ever played was an 18 (and the sad part was he was the 'dumb' one of the party. Silly 'ol astro-physicist).


    Well, the 'dumb' one was a soldier sent from the future to prevent something from happening... to make it somewhat original he was an Ape with robot arms. He was a lot of fun.


    Me likey them smarty-pants.

  19. From my understanding, at the beginning of the frirst adventure we are not all a team. I designed my character to be someone very capable of operating on their own, but could adapt to a team environment with ease. I also kept some points aside to lend towards a base/vehicle/comms/what not as part of start-up, though not a ton (mostly b/c I had a hard time justifying more than 5 points worth of resources from a PI and a Cop. Maybe I could work out some endorsements? ;)). Anyhow, I think those answers will be partially determined on how we form as a team, and what the GM has in mind.


    Personally, I really like the concept of some 'exotic' base, with it's own quirks (haunted mansion would be awesome... although it could be doomtacular for my char). Vehicles would be cool, but i think those should be secondary to a centralized location, that is unless the location is mad out of the way. Personal comms and tactics are also a good idea, and I plan on spending some points on the 'teamwork' skill, but only after an appropriate amount of time. I know my guy will be likely a support character in combat (blaster/healer) and can do a lot of detective work outside of combat. Tactics wise, I pretty much just go where I'm needed, and won't do a whole lot of 'taking the point'.


    Anyhow, I think it's good to consider these things, but it might be a little bit early :/

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