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About Colossus75

  • Birthday 11/17/1975

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    Gamer for too many years
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  1. Thanks Guys, That's really helped. It makes a lot more sense.
  2. I have been using champs for several years, and have come across something that I hope others can give some insight on. Armor Piercing is a +1/2 advantage. Let's say you have an 10d6 EB with the Advantage. it would cost 50+25=75pts. Statistically, the average on a 6 sided die is 3.5, so 10d6 would have an average of 35pts of stun and 10 body. Now lets say you decided not to buy Armor Piercing, and instead pumped up your attack to 15d6. Same Cost. Statistically, you will do 3.5X15d6=53pts of stun and 15 body. Now lets say you attack someone with 30 ED. WIth the first attack you would half his ED to a 15 and then roll 10d6. Let's say you roll average. you get 35 stun and 10 body. thus you do 35-15=20 stun and 0 body. if you were to hit the same person with the 15d6 attack, you would do 53-30=23 stun and 0 body. Statistically, you do better damage with the normal attack. what's the point of armor piercing? I've done some calculations and it doesn't get much better. Even if you lower the person's ED it doesn't get any better. Let's say same senario, but the guy only has 10 ED. The 10d6AP attack would do 35-5= 30 Stun and 10-5=5 body. The 15d6 attack would do 53-10=43 stun and 15-10= 5 body. Again where's the advantage. Personally, I'd rather have more dice to roll and hope for an above average hit. Can anyone enlighten me? Thanks.
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