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Everything posted by Merrick

  1. I've got a player in my Victorian Era game who is playing a half-ish vampire/dhamphire/daywalker, whatever you wanna call her, and she is wanting to pick up magic and Blood Magic with her internal blood reserves as the fuel for the spells. Building it as a multipower with Charges is fairly obvious to me, and I know of the Recoverable Charges rule, but here's where it gets hinky: As long as she can feed, she should technically still be able to power her spells. e.g. She just used the last of her internal blood reserve to cast XYZ spell at an enemy, but the fight is nowhere near over! What's she to do? Well, she runs over, noms on one of her opponents and BAM, she's back in the fight. Recoverable charges, far as I can tell, requires you to be out of combat, but that doesn't make sense for this power. She needs to be able to refuel it IN combat. Long as she can get to fresh blood, she can work her Blood Magic. I already have her a "bite" attack built which does a Body drain to simulate drinking blood, so my non-rule solution was just to make it however many dice of drain she does, she gets back in her blood pool, but I thought there was probably a better, rule-backed way to do this. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!! - Merrick
  2. Evening, everyone. I've poked around the forums and bit and couldn't quite find what I was looking for, so I thought I'd ask the general assembly =) I'm running a League of Extraordinary Gentlemenstyle game set in the American Civil War. So far my party consists of a half vampire, an alien. an elite trapper touched by Native American spirits, the stagecoach robber who was unfortunate enough to discover an alien belt that made her something akin to The Greatest American Superhero. I have a pretty firm grasp on building basic powers, but I only have the Basic Rulebook right now (we're testing the system to see if the group likes it), so I'm finding myself baffled by the best way to build some of the powers they want. Vampire Powers Wanted - Vampire Bite I have this one built, but it feels clunky to me. 15 pts Dark Lady's Kiss 1d6 HKA 4 pts Sanguine Restoration 1d6 Heal, LP -1/2 Only Heal Self, LP -1/4 Only Heal for Damage Done by Dark Lady's Kiss, -1/2 Linked Power 4 pts Cover Your Trail 1d6 Heal, LP -1/2 Only Target of Bite, LP -1/4 Same Healing as damage, Linked Second -1/2 The two heals are to simulate the restorative power of drinking blood and the other is to close the wound after she is done drinking. Now perhaps the second heal could just be played off as a special effect, but it could have bearing on the game as vampire hunters are about and leaving any trace could start a hunt. Anyway, is there a better way to build this power? They've got some XP to burn now, so if it's more expensive, that's not a huge deal. Spirit Trapper Powers Wanted - Buff Auras So I have some ideas for how to build this, but I'm not 100% sure. It'd be something like 1 to 3d6 of Aid for Whatever-Stat-he-decides-to-bolster, attaching the AoE advantage. But the part I'm finding tricky is that he doesn't want the buff to fade while they're in his aura, so would it be Increased Duration with the Limited Power disadvantage Only In Aura? Just a little lost on this one. Now some misc rules questions. Do you let your players buy away limitations on powers and complications with XP? I have a min/maxer in the group, and I'm a little concerned that he will kill off a lot of the flavor of his character because he thinks that buying away the limitations will make him unstoppable. Thanks in advance for your time and responses. I'll post any more questions I think of as they come.
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