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Everything posted by regnak

  1. Sigh, wrong again. I am offended by the total lack reason shown in this. I haven't had a Champions player live within 50 miles of me for 10+ years. Everyone else moved away. It's the bizzare reasoning that gets me. And to call someone on bs in their post (as in the terrorist argument) doesn't make me id with anybody. It justmakes me non tolerant of bs! Sure it is, you cannot answer the posts so you attack the poster. I just told you I never did anything like that and you repeat your charge only slightly weakened. Another false assumption and another dig. I don't identify with the PC at all. It's the lunacy of the response I questioned in my initial post. Kick out the player, kill the PC fine. Come for endorsement of Bizzarro world? That's the lunacy that got me. Pot, Kettle, Black. Sure you can assume whatever the hell you want about me falsely. But I can't work with the info given! Hypocrite!
  2. Sure you do. Calling someone a terrorist is inflammatory. You then said the player was a murderer in your state, apparently supporting Hugh. And so I asked you to prove that all murderers=terrorists. It's not that hard to follow. My dog is that this seems totally insane and the comments of various people have been making me go wtf? Actually the whole point of my first post if you bothered to read it is that there was nothing but emotion/anger and the player. This results in an insane situation. They just told the world when they complained about the heroes. Is that so hard to understand? And you accuse me of making assumptions?? Not only are you dead wrong but you resort to attacks when you fail with reason. To repeat ,they just told the world when they complained about the heroes. Is that so hard to understand?
  3. And your side does not? So prove that all murderers=terrorists. You can't which makes Hughs arguments just imflammatory. There are different degrees of murder and punishment. First off the speed of the reactions tells us what the first priority was, the screwup by Stellar. Second the GM's own post says they have a safe haven in Lech. Not that they used to have, that they have. What UN action???
  4. Re: Thank you for your input and your time Hugh: Here you go from the Gms own mouth Eurostar has a safe haven in Leichenstein. If he himself says they have a safe haven(still!!!) Why do you assume any action is being taken against Eurostar?
  5. False analogy here the UN is putting the burglary on the fast track and no mention has been made of the murderers. But it is relevant and not only has the original GM mentioned no action against Leich neither have most of the posters. Furthermore countries become more willing to act when they are hurt or fear getting hurt. The Europeans got extemely concerned over Bosnia, they should be in a state of hysteria over Eurostar being sheltered. Also you are confusing Afghanistan and Iraq. There was much for support for Afghanistan and that is the analogy here. I asked for reasonable answers instead you equate reckless negligence with mass murder? Not the same, but even if they were you still have demonstrated why the other countries would care more about the deaths of Leich citizens than the death of their own. He has said nothing here about anything happening to Eurostar. Reason, I asked for reason and you give me nothing but distortions. You distort the matter by calling someone who screwed up a terrorist and distort again by equate his group with a bunch of murderers! The response described is not remotely realistic. Realsitic would be Eurostar once located would be the #1 priority. The bungling player would be gotten to sometime down the road. It's called priorities.
  6. New here with a few questions for various posters: 1Why does the UN care more about a few people killed in this incident through negligence than all the people Eurostar has murdered across the globe? 2Why isn't Leichtenstein getting what Afghanistan got for harboring Al-Queda? That is invaded. Doesn't Eurostar have a higher body count? 3Why would the countries of Europe give a damn about a few people in Leich getting killed by accident when they are harboring the worst terrorists in Europe? 4Why hasn't Fiacho made the biggest misttake of his life by letting the world know where Eurostar is based? I'd appreciate some logical answers here with people and nations acting realistically. That is caring more about people who have done things to them(Eurostar) than what someone did to someone's elses flunkies. It seems to me that many have gotten carried away with damning the player and are letting the mass murderers go scot free.
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