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Lord DeGarmo

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About Lord DeGarmo

  • Birthday 09/09/1970

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  • Biography
    started playing rpg's in '84. GMing since '86.
  • Occupation
    Casino:Blackjack dealer

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  1. Been There, Know Stellar. Hello there, first, let me introduce myself. I was one of the original six Team Vanguard members. i have played on and off again with the team [depending on my work schedule] for the whole 12 yrs. second, i know the player involved. i have run other games with this player as well. the first issue with this situation is that the problem is the player. he is a min/max power monger who has played his character too long. he is a 750pt character surrounded by 350 to 400pt players. he refuses to retire this character. and the character is WAYYY OUT of concept. next, the previous occurance of the teleporting trick was under a part-time gm and was over looked by the GM of the time. the character has reached a power level where anything less than a custom designed villian can take him on in combat and the player knows it. the only way Patriot will ever get this character to retire is by creating a non-combat roleplaying situation he can't blast his way out of. next is the issue out of game. the player is the kind of person who while in game is an out of control power machine, he's really a cool and nice guy in the down time. the kind of guy u don't want to leave the game but dont know how to tell him he's out of hand. and this has created a situation where ALL the other players want him to retire the character but know he will not do it and nobody has the gut to tell him to do it. they all think this is the GM's job. the game is ment to be a four color heroic game and he abuses the game limitations. he continues to rationalize his actions claiming that the zero pt normals where not innocent since they work for the winery and therefore "minions of evil". which is like saying the girl who rang me up for my copy of starwars is a minion of george lucas. as a fellow games master and pt time player, i have suggested to Patriot that he take every non-combat measure to punish stellar for his actions. this may lead to the disbanding team by presidental order if he refuse to surrender himself and will cause an interteam conflict as most have already stated that they will not back him on this. On another note. i have already spoke with Patriot an given him my opinion. this game can be saved by retiring one character, creating new power level restrictions and enforcing character concept. An Admission.... i recently played with this group again and was witness to the abuse of power that the charcter enacts on a regular basis. As a player he has become callous, only interested in ego gratification. and this has conflicted me as well, if the story line doesn't change the way the character behaves, i will have to make some out of game calls......
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