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    FenrisUlf reacted to A.C for an article, The Sylvestri Family Reunion: Disciples of the Dragon is now available on DriveThruRPG and Barnes & Noble!   
    Within the pages of this dark tome lie The Sylvestri: the most evil family in the Champions Universe. Detailed in all of their sinister black magic glory, this dark clan’s core purpose is to corrupt and degrade humanity. Satanic worshipers of the Dragon, they know that the spiritual chains which bind their master tightens when mortals treat each other with kindness, honesty, and respect. Hatred, greed, and vengeful rage loosen those chains; great atrocities may break a chain completely, giving the Dragon greater influence over human souls. Thus the Sylvestris and their demonic patrons encourage every sort of crime and vice, from tax evasion to murder, promoting crooks and despots in place of responsible leaders. They foment wars, plagues, and famines to create such misery, cynicism, and despair that Earth and Hell become one - and the Dragon is free at last to reign for all eternity.
    Can you stop them?
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    FenrisUlf reacted to Jason S.Walters for an article, New Product: SID Report #28 - The Conquerors [PDF+HD+MINIS]   
    From The Pages Of Villain Codex V!
    S.I.D. is short for Super-powered Individual Database. This is a database that various government agencies use to keep track of all the various villains and heroes. Over the last few years, the number of super-powered individuals has skyrocketed.
    It has become a full-time job to keep track of them all, as well as update information about them. And that is the purpose of this database. The database is designed to give law enforcement as much information as possible on supervillains - or any superheroes they may need to call for help.
    This is a series of small products that will introduce new villains and heroes for your campaign.
    This installment reintroduces the villainous organization known as The Conquerors. Neutron has escaped from Stronghold, and has gathered former and new comrades together. He’s ready to make the world tremble again! (Not that it really did the first time.) This supplement contains new villains, new schemes, and a familiar (yet new) group to pit against the heroes in your campaign.
    Includes Hero Designer files & printable cardboard miniatures.
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    FenrisUlf reacted to A.C for an article, Forgotten Organizations #1 - Sanctuary Out Now!   
    Forgotten Organizations – Sanctuary, the first in a series of products bring old organizations for past Champion products kicking and screaming into 6th edition. This installment is Sanctuary, a place where super-powered individuals can go to mingle with others like themselves and let their hair down. There are two to choose from a Retreat in the woods or an island Resort in the ocean.
    Here you can hear a lecture from Dr. Destroyer or challenge Muerte to a game of chess. Play a volleyball game against the Ultimates or shuffleboard against members of The Champions. Anything is possible here, including hearing rumors of possible plots against governments or even possible heists.
    A 110 PDF and includes Hero Designer files & printable cardboard miniatures.

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    FenrisUlf reacted to Jason S.Walters for an article, Door Discoveries PDF by Michael Surbrook   
    There is something symbolic about doors. Open, they often represent a welcoming attitude or nature, an idea best expressed with the phase: “open door policy.” Closed, doors present a barrier—to sight, to sound, to entry, to communication. An open door shows you are willing to talk to others, while a closed door shows you have shut yourself off from the world.
    Door Discoveries is designed to give Game Masters a reference for designing and creating doors, gates, locks, and other barriers. Unlike many of the other Discoveries products, this isn’t a collection of random encounters, but a tool, to be used to develop new — and expand on existing — encounters.
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    FenrisUlf reacted to A.C for an article, R.I.P. Darren Watts   
    Darren Watts has passed away as of New Years Eve.
    In the words of our General Manager, Jason Walters, "Darren Watts was a singular person of the sort that comes along once in a generation. His accomplishments are too many to list here: author, editor, publisher, and promoter all come to mind. He was an amazingly enthusiastic and interesting man, and there is no one that can ever replace him."
    Darren worked on many projects throughout his lifetime, with the purchasing and revitalization of Hero Games in 2001 being just one of his accomplishments. He also devoted much of his time and effort supporting smaller and independent creators through his work with our sister company Indie Press Revolution, and was a well-known figure at many TTRPG conventions.
    Our condolences go out to Darren's wife, Diane, as well as their families and all of Darren's friends. We will miss him greatly.
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    FenrisUlf reacted to A.C for an article, Hero System Book of Templates II PDF Out Now!   
    Characters. Who has time to make them? In this book you will find 22 more characters ready for you to use in your Champions Campaign right now with no preparation – and no waiting! Available on the Hero Games website as well as DriveThruRPG! https://www.herogames.com/.../986-hero-system-book-of.../ https://www.drivethrurpg.com/.../Hero-System-Book-of...
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