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Great Cthulhu

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  1. Oh...I understand YOUR goals for Sidekick. Me...I'm just looking for a less dense alternative to show players rather than one of the two 5e books I have now! So I'll probably work out of Sidekick and use the 5e books for occasional reference.
  2. Steve Long replied! I feel honored! Thanks for confirming my suspicions. Lord Liaden, those links were hysterical! Thanks! FREd it is! Corpcommander, Thats what I want to hear! Even though Mr. Long suggested its just a stepping stone to the full system it seems that it could support a HERO campaign all by its lonesome. Just the fact that its only a 128 pages instead of 400 plus would be enough to convince new players to give it a try.
  3. Thats great to hear! Thanks for the responses. PS: I've seen this in a number of places and still can't figure it out...what does FRED stand for?
  4. Would we be able to run a Sidekick generated character in a full fledged HERO game without messy conversion problems? I don't mind if HERO is trimmed of the fat for Sidekick so to speak...but I don't want it to end up a system that is only marginally compatible with HERO either (ie...the difference between Basic D&D and Advanced D&D). It should be able to be integrated smoothly.
  5. I saw the add for playtesters and I'm intrigued. Is this a basic edition of the HERO system? Is it going to try and maintain the flexibility and feel of the advanced system? I've always loved HERO and would love a simpler faster system to inflict on my group.
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