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Curry Wolf

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Posts posted by Curry Wolf

  1. Re: Looking for NEW words of transformation: (SHAZAM, Thunder! Thunder!...)


    In one of the game I ran, one of the PC's used the words:




    (It's "nuclear" backwards).


    Of course, then he would transform into his "Hero" ID which was so weird and non-euclidean that the PLAYER would start chanting like something out of a Conan movie for about ten minutes, just to weird people out.


    Neat character...


    Thanks, I am glad you liked him... But the chanting even got to me after a while!

    (He was a mezoamerican version of Captian Marvel, and the chanting was comming from the spirits trapped in his magical vestments...)

  2. This whole hybredization idea will turn a good horse into a mean camel.


    I have had players who could not bend themselves around Hero, and I compromised for years, until Hero 5th came out. I still like someof the friends, so I (and a friend) started weening them off other systems. I still run other systems, but I alternate games to get them more familiar with Hero.


    One of the players who originally hated the idea, now is looking forward to her turn running a Hero contemporary game, or perhams a superhero game. All of the players in the core group have come around one by one.


    This strategy worked a few years ago too, but I my group changed out a bunch of players and we had to start over.


    Ok fredrik_nilsson perhaps this is not the advice you wanted, but it is good advice from a 28 year gaming veteran who has introduced countless players to gaming, and Hero.


    Good luck either way.

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