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Posts posted by xagen

  1. Re: Ultrawoman art.


    Originally posted by Enforcer84

    Well, this time its not the image that bothers me its the fact tht I basically ripped off Power Girl's costume without thinking.... oh well...


    Men are so funny when it comes to women. No self-respecting woman would wear that outfit in public, much less to fight crime. But alas, comics are written by men, for men, so of course they'd wear bikinis to fight villians!

  2. Thanks!


    Levi, this is actually the best suggestion yet. I especially like the text preceding the power reminding us that as a GM, the powers are only guidelines, and how they affect the game world is far more important. And I like the idea of how to introduce him to the heroes as well. All good suggestions. Thank you very much.


    I also like the thought about Supes. I had never thought of him in that way. True, he can do some amazing things, but I think his heroism comes in the form of the fact that though he could be sitting at home wathcing Will & Grace, he's spending his nights saving lives and preventing disasters. True heroes not only risk themselves, but give themselves selflessly. In my opinion, there are plenty of true heroes in today's world. I think people that feed the homeless on a volunteer basis every sunday are heroes, too. You don't have to save lives to be one! Back to Supes, though he's not in any real danger from the public, you will notice that on many occasions he is fighting people that will definitely hurt him and could kill him, given the chance (Darkseid comes to mind, but there are plenty of others).


    Anyway, thanks again, all of you. You've been very helpful.



  3. Thanks guys!


    Um... I'll have to reread damage shield. It sounds like it only affects physical attacks (ala Fire Shield D&D spell). But I'll check on it.


    Also, you wouldn't need Continuous - unless I wanted them to get zapped again and again and again. ;-) I only want them to get zapped once. Unless... that the way he can attack multiple times. Well, That would work vs. one opponent. But your idea Jogger is only missing one key ingredient. Well, two, actually. The first is that it won't affect ranged attackers. The second is that I want my opponents to feel immediate pain. If the timing were right, someone could attack him more than once and before feeling any backlash (and where's the fun in that?).


    Thank you both for your imput. I think I'm on the right track, but I'll have to play with it some more. That sounds kinky. ;-)

  4. Thanks. My issue right now is that it doesn't work vs. energy blasts. The campaign is set in a very low powered setting, with the characters being paranormals, with only 150 points, so his defenses don't have to be high. Plus, most paranormals are little more than normal people with a few powers, not really superheroes in the traditonal sense.


    Anyway, so how do I get this field to work vs. energy blasts as well? Add an Ego attack with a trigger?


    Any recommendations?

  5. Hey all.


    I'm building a villian for my campaign, and need some assistance. His name is Backlash (originally Spite, and then Guilt Trip). He has some skills and talents, but his only real power is his ability to deal damage back to anyone that attacks him. I have some ideas on how to do that, but none of them do exactly what I want. Here's what I have so far:


    1) Vengeance Field: 10d6 Ego Attack, Dmge Shield, works with physical attacks, no end, persistent, inherent, always on, not for grabs, only if actual dmge was done, and only up to twice the amount done, ranged.


    Basically, if he gets hit by either a mental attack or a hth attack, the person gets whopped by up to a 10d6 ego attack (depending on the damage he took). I want this to work vs. ranged attacks as well, so I made it Ranged. Does that work the way I'm thinking? If so, since this still only affects physical ranged attacks (no energy blasts), would it be better to add an ego attack triggered by being attacked by anything? But how does that work? Would he need an autofire to "attack" multiple people if they all attacked? I'm so confused...


    Any advice?

  6. Way to go!




    Even if some of your characters are rather cookie cutter, I give you kudos. The use of the powers is great in some cases, and I'm really impressed with the backgrounds you made for each one! Way to go.


    One question: do you ever make characters that aren't 500 to 1,000 points?



  7. Actually...


    Actually, Keith, I prefer more setting, not less.


    Also, I haven't made up my mind about the FH setting, but judging by the stuff I've read about it, and the stuff they've released in their past, I can say that I'm not really looking forward to it at this time. However, I have been proven wrong many times in the past, so maybe I will be pleasantly surprised!


    Wish us luck!

  8. Well...


    Ok, I admit the Terran setting might be neat (haven't read it). I almost never play SF, so I wouldn't know. I was referring to FH (no setting now, a boring, generic one coming out soon), and Supers. I thought the setting for Champions NM [Fuzion] was MUCH better than the one that Hero has now. But, with so many comics, books, and movies out there, a world isn't hard to create for Champions, if needed.


    BUT if a game already has a cool setting (L5R, for example), the game is much more likely to grab an audience (you don't think they play that bad White Wolf rip off of a system for the game mechanics, do ya?). :D

  9. game mechanics


    While agree that Hero lacks any kind of setting to "draw you in" like other games, I'll have to point out that if D&D and Paladium didn't focus on their rules - it shows! Both of those games in my opinion are unplayable. They totally suck. :rolleyes: However, Hero does tend to be a little rules heavy, and I wouldn't wish learning this system on any beginner! I'm just glad I learned in it high school.


    As for the Grimoire cover, I said it was cartoonish, which it is, but it's not really super heroish. FH is that. Just thought I'd clarify. :D

  10. Hey!


    I happen to like Fuzion. It's fast, easy to teach to others, and you don't need a calculator to make characters (all those fractions can be tedious). Best of all, anything that can be done with Hero can be done with Fuzion (at least, I haven't had any problems). I'm not saying Hero isn't great, but they each serve a different purpose/audience (Fuzion Champions is excluded from this praise...).


    Sengoku is more accurate than L5R, but L5R has a rich story and setting which makes up for that. I would not bother converting Sengoku. But if you must, it will translate just fine.


    The problem with converting L5R is the whole 5 rings thing. The whole game is based around this 5 rings theory, and I've seen it converted to GURPS and it ain't pretty. You'll get the same result converting it to Hero. Without the 5 rings, L5R loses a lot of meaning. Instead of purposeful, meanful attributes, you'll just have a collection of numbers. Those of you that have played both will know what I mean.


    Personally, I would use FH to run a feudal japan setting, and use either of the other books as guidelines for historic accuracy (preferably Sengoku).


    Good luck!

  11. I agree


    I agree Old Man. The Grimoire is nice, but the book's layout is hard to read, specifically the spell descriptions. The old FH books were layed out much better. I'm not crazy about the cover, either, for that matter. It looks very cartoonish. But then, much of Hero's stuff is looking that way these days (FH cover anyone?). I guess old habits die hard (everything's superhero!). :D

  12. I agree


    I agree. Though trhe new cover focuses on a band of heroes, as opposed to one lone horseman, it is far too superhero-like for my tastes. And I'll 100th the comments about the blue spearwoman being distracting. It's beautifully drawn, it just doesn't go on teh cover of FH. I personally like Easley and Elmore's work better.

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