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Posts posted by stmichaeldet

  1. Re: Loony conspiracy theories


    Ah, the sweet smell of paranoia; how I love it.


    As a long-running Over the Edge GM, perhaps the question should be, what haven't I used? (No, really, I want to know - I can always use more material.) Various permutations of the Illuminati, the Templars, secret Nazi holdouts with Antarctic bases and UFOs, David Icke's Reptoids, Baigent and Leigh's bloodline conspiracy, ancient civilizations, Hermetic secrets, Men in Black, Timewave Zero, Theosophy, etc. Currently, I'm riffing on the story of Jack Parsons, who, in the fourties and fifties, was America's #1 solid-fuel rocket expert and America's #1 occult figure as the head of our branch of Crowley's Ordo Templi Orientalis.


    In Champions, though, not so much. Although my library clearly betrays my passion for all things dark and secretive, when it comes to superheros, I'm just a four-color sucker. Give me a good supervillan over a shadowy conspiracy any day; superheros need someone to hit.


    - St. Michael

  2. Re: Help: Sniper Syndrome


    Hmmm. Well, my first thought is, who else tends to be lurking about the fringes of combat? And has powers that armor-guys usually aren't well-defended against? That's right, it's the GM's friend, the ever-helpful EGO-based villain! Set your group up against a group with a good, strong mentalist. Said mentalist spys Sniperboy jetting away from the group (or knows his habits from boning up on his opponents), and sets up an ambush. Might teach 'im about strength in numbers and having friends to watch your back.


    St. Michael

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