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Kevin C. Wong

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Everything posted by Kevin C. Wong

  1. Re: Tentative 2006 Schedule Everyman is the same type of book as Normals Unbound for 4E -- normal people who interact with heroes in some capacity. Steve said this won't include gritty characters (hookers, drug dealers, petty criminals), who will probably be included in a parallel supplement for Dark Champions.
  2. Re: Tentative 2006 Schedule Definitely did not hear Ken Hite's name, but for a couple of projects Steve said that he had specific freelance authors in mind. He didn't want to mention them yet since no deals have been done (the schedule was dreamed up on Thursday). Unfortunately I'm really hazy whether Horror was one of those books. Hmm, now that I think about it I'm only somewhat sure that a couple of the 2006 products were moved up to 2005 because they fit there better. I"m drawing a complete blank of what are the new 2005 books, but those books were not listed in the 2006 list. Steve will post an official list when he gets back from the con and the web site will be updated in a week or two.
  3. Re: Tentative 2006 Schedule From my memories, so just assume it's mostly correct... Nobles, Knights, and Necromancers -- Moved from 2005. Ultimate Mentalist -- Moved from 2005. Stronghold -- Details the Champions Universe prison, maps, and new villains that aren't in other books because they are too inept to have escaped from Stronghold (it was a joke). Golden Age Champions -- Darren Watts is writing this. He's a huge Golden Age fan. Covers 1936 to about 1950, though mostly focusing on WWII. Suggestions on how to run a campaign that reflects the Golden Age of comics (introducing your hero, WWII, what happens after the war as they fade away) as well as standard campaigns. Psychic Wars -- IIRC, an alternate campaign by Allen Thomas. Sort of modern day X-File-ish where mentalist-types rule the world behind the scenes. Apparently Allen has been wanting to do this for a couple of years. The Celtic Beastiary -- Monsters. Celtic monsters. Many you have not heard of. Steve Long writer. Thrilling Places -- For Pulp Hero. Lots of locations to hold adventures. Tuala Morn -- Steve Long's Celtic-themed campaign setting. He stressed that it will emphasize the theme and feel over historical accuracy. Pulp Resource Book -- The HERO System Equipment Guide for Pulp Hero. Steve will taylor the content based on user feedback from Pulp Hero. Ultimate Skill -- This was the poll winner. It'll be a really big book, maybe end up in two big volumes. One example is the Lockpicking skill which goes from a couple hundred words in 5ER to 12 000 words so far before editing. Steve is being his usual thorough self. Villians, Vandals and Vermin -- Champions Worldwide will have about 30 heroes and 60 villains. This is one reason why Villians, Vandals and Vermin was a safe book to push back to 2006. Horror HERO -- This was the poll runner-up. Champions Universe Update -- How have things changed in the last 4-1/2 years? Which heroes/villains died, who are the new heroes/villains, what have the heroes/villains been up to? Darren Watts will write. A meta-plot book if you will. Danger Zones -- IIRC, trouble spots around the world: Middle East, Balkans, a couple spots in Africa, Spratley Islands. Forgot what genre this is for. The Underworld Sourcebook -- Steve is going to take his unpublished material for GURPS Crime (which was cancelled) and add lots more things. Moved from 2005. Possible Leatherbound Special Edition -- Or other product to celebrate Champions' 25th Anniversary. There will be polls. Derek suggested a book with articles from as many old time Champions authors as possible, Steve and Darren said it would be really hard to contact many of those people. Someone else suggested a book of fan submissions, Steve and Darren said it would be a lot of work doing all the contracts. Note that the products moved here from 2005 have replacements. So I believe all the 2005 publishing slots remain the same.
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