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    BcAugust got a reaction from death tribble in Quote of the Week from my gaming group...   
    Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...
    On the less disturbing one this week...
    "Some men would call it being whipped, but it's actually a finely honed survival instinct."
    The more disturbing one (Said by the, up to now, cuter then cute eight year old watching her adoptive mother give birth.)
    "Why doesn't mommy clean them up like the kitty does? They smell like they would taste good."
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    BcAugust reacted to Lightray in The New Circle   
    Weren't there supposed to be some Green Arrow and Black Canaries on the way?
    Anyway, I've been doing new villains for my game, which is mystic-based oddly enough. This idea started as a tribute character, but after some research went wildly afield. I'll give a No-Prize to the first person who guesses the inspiration character (when I can rep you again...). I'll post "hints" if necessary, or if someone guesses I'll post the "hints" earlier.
    The Fairest
    Alternate IDs: Vasilisa Kostcheivna
    Val Char Cost
    10 STR 0
    23 DEX 39
    23 CON 26
    13 BODY 6
    18 INT 8
    18 EGO 16
    35 PRE 25
    30 COM 10
    15 PD 4
    15 ED 1
    5 SPD 17
    10 REC 6
    45 END 0
    30 STUN 0
    6" RUN 0
    2" SWIM 0
    2" LEAP 0
    Characteristics Cost: 158
    Cost Power
    20 I Know All Your Weaknesses: Find Weakness 11- (All Attacks) (30 Active Points); Only Vs. Those Studied In Mirrors (-1/2)
    10 ... And I'll Tell Them: Naked Advantage on Find Weakness, Usable By Other (+1/4), Ranged (+1/2) (22 Active Points); Incantations, Requires Incantations throughout (-1/2), Only Vs. Those Studied In Mirrors (-1/2), Limited Range (within voice range; -1/4)
    35 I've Watched You In My Mirrors: Multipower, 61-point reserve, all slots: (61 Active Points); Conditional Power (Power does not work unless prepared beforehand; -1/2), IIF (-1/4)
    2u 1) I Know What You're Afraid Of: Mind Control 7d6, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Invisible Power Effects (Mental Group; +1/2) (61 Active Points); Set Effect (Afraid; -1/2), Eye Contact Required (-1/2), Does Not Provide Mental Awareness (-1/4)
    3u 2) I Know What Hurts You: Energy Blast 5d6, Variable Special Effects (specific weaknesses; +1/4), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Variable Advantage (+1/2 Advantages Limited Group of Advantages (NND vs. Extraordinarily Common Defense; +3/4) (56 Active Points)
    3u 3) I Know What Stops You: Dispel 11d6, Expanded Effect (One Power At A Time; +1/4), Variable Special Effects (specific weaknesses; +1/4), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (58 Active Points)
    18 Charmed Life: Combat Luck (9 PD/9 ED)
    15 Charmed Life: Luck 3d6
    4 Kostchei's Daughter: Life Support , Longevity: 1600 Years
    15 Baba Yaga's Granddaughter: Power Defense (15 points)
    8 Strong-Willed: +4 with EGO Rolls
    8 Without Flaws: Lack Of Weakness (-4) for Normal & Resistant Defenses
    40 Mirror Magic: Multipower, 60-point reserve, all slots: (60 Active Points); Requires A Magic Skill Roll (-1/2)
    2u 1) Steal Your Soul: Drain EGO 2d6, Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Month) (+2) (60 Active Points); Conditional Power (requires target to be reflected in mirror; -1 1/2)
    2u 2) Whispers Through Mirrors: Mental Illusions 12d6 (60 Active Points); Limited Class Of Minds (anyone reflected in her mirrors; -1), Does Not Provide Mental Awareness (-1/4)
    2u 3) Steal Your Reflection: Shapeshift (Sight Group; Imitation, Instant Change, Variety of Shapes: Any Shape), Costs END Only To Change Shape (+1/4) (56 Active Points); Conditional Power (requires target to be reflected in mirror; -1)
    2u 4) Through The Looking Glass: Extra-Dimensional Movement (Single Dimension), Ranged (+1/2), Line Of Sight (+1/2), Usable As Attack (+1) (60 Active Points); Conditional Power (requires target to be reflected in mirror; -1 1/2)
    3u 5) Lilith's Mirror: Teleportation 6", No Relative Velocity, Safe Blind Teleport (+1/4), Megascale (1" = 10,000 km; +1 1/4), Can Be Scaled Down: 1" = 1km (+1/4) (60 Active Points); OAF of Opportunity (mirror) (-1/2), Can Only Teleport To Other Mirrors (-1/4)
    1u 6) Speak Through Mirrors: Mind Link (Anyone Reflected In Her Mirrors), Any distance (15 Active Points); Does Not Provide Mental Awareness (-1/4)
    Archenemy Options, (Real Cost: 20) [Notes: Chose one of following options.]
    0 1) I Know Your Every Move: (Total: 10 Active Cost, 0 Real Cost) (Real Cost: -20) plus +3 with Find Weakness; Only Vs. Those Studied In Mirrors (-1/2) (Real Cost: 10) plus Danger Sense (Intuitional, Sensitivity: Out of Combat); Only Vs. Those Studied In Mirrors (-1/2) 13- (Real Cost: 10) [Notes: As archenemy of Brick or Martial Artist.]
    0 2) Mirror Images: +5 with DCV; Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) [Notes: As archenemy of Energy Blaster or Weapons Master.]
    0 3) Reflective Mind: +4 with Defensive ECV [Notes: As archenemy of Mentalist or Mystic.]
    0 4) I Knew You'd Do That: (Total: 10 Active Cost, 0 Real Cost) (Real Cost: -20) plus +3 with All Combat; Only Vs. Those Studied In Mirrors (-1/2) (Real Cost: 16) plus Lightning Reflexes: +4 DEX to act first with All Actions; Only When Attacking Those Studied In Mirrors (-1/2) (Real Cost: 4) [Notes: As archenemy of Speedster.]
    0 1) The Witch's Mirror: (Total: 61 Active Cost, 0 Real Cost) Detect "The Fairest" 13-, (Mystic Group), Analyze, Discriminatory, Range, Telescopic (+30), Usable Simultaneously (x4 Number of Targets +1); OAF Bulky (-1 1/2), Sense Also Affected As Sight Group (-1/4) (Real Cost: 35) plus (Real Cost: -35) [Notes: Shows the fairest in the land.]
    0 2) Alasnam's Mirror: (Total: 22 Active Cost, 0 Real Cost) Detect Virtue 20-, (Mystic Group), Analyze, Discriminatory, Range; OAF Bulky (-1 1/2), Only Vs. Those Reflected In Mirror (-1/2), Sense Also Affected As Sight Group (-1/4) (Real Cost: 10) plus (Real Cost: -10) [Notes: Shows the virtue of those reflected.]
    0 3) Cambuscan's Mirror: (Total: 22 Active Cost, 0 Real Cost) Detect Friend or Foe 20-, (Mystic Group), Analyze, Discriminatory, Range; OAF Bulky (-1 1/2), Only Vs. Those Reflected In Mirror (-1/2), Sense Also Affected As Sight Group (-1/4) (Real Cost: 10) plus (Real Cost: -10) [Notes: Shows if those reflected are friend or foe.]
    0 4) Merlin's Mirror: (Total: 159 Active Cost, 0 Real Cost) Mind Scan 8d6, +18 ECV, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); OAF Bulky (-1 1/2), Requires A Magic Skill Roll (-1/2), Concentration (1/2 DCV, Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power; -1/2), Limited Class Of Minds (Friends or Foes; -1/2), Does Not Provide Mental Awareness (-1/4), Sense Also Affected As Sight Group (-1/4) (Real Cost: 25) plus Clairsentience (Sight And Mystic Groups), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1), Usable Simultaneously (x4 Number of Targets +1); OAF Bulky (-1 1/2), Linked to Mind Scan (-1/2) (Real Cost: 35) plus (Real Cost: -60) [Notes: Shows any friend or foe.]
    0 5) Prester John's Mirror: (Total: 100 Active Cost, 0 Real Cost) Clairsentience (Sight And Mystic Groups), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Usable Simultaneously (x4 Number of Targets +1), Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1), Megascale (1" = 10,000 km; +1 1/4), Can Be Scaled Down: 1" = 1km (+1/4); OAF Bulky (-1 1/2), Requires A Magic Skill Roll (-1/2) (Real Cost: 50) plus (Real Cost: -50) [Notes: Shows anything anywhere in the land.]
    0 6) Mirror of Nemesis: (Total: 230 Active Cost, 0 Real Cost) Duplication (creates 450-point form), Cannot Recombine (+0), Ranged (+1/2), Line Of Sight (+1/2), Usable As Attack (+1); 1 Recoverable Charges which Recover every 1 Month (-2 1/4), Conditional Power (requires target to be reflected in Mirror of Nemesis; -2), OAF Bulky (-1 1/2) (Real Cost: 40) plus (Real Cost: -40) [Notes: Summons evil mirror-image of those reflected.]
    Powers Cost: 213
    Cost Skill
    17 Magic (Power Skill) (INT-based) 20-
    3 Acting 16-
    3 Conversation 16-
    3 High Society 16-
    3 Persuasion 16-
    3 Seduction 16-
    3 Tactics 13-
    2 AK: Russia 11-
    2 CuK: Russians 11-
    3 PS: Dancing (DEX-based) 14-
    3 PS: Singing (PRE-based) 16-
    3 Linguist
    0 1) Language: Russian (idiomatic; Native)
    2 2) Language: English (completely fluent)
    2 3) Language: French (completely fluent)
    2 4) Language: German (completely fluent)
    1 5) Language: Greek (fluent conversation)
    3 Scholar
    2 1) KS: Russian Legends (INT-based) 13-
    2 2) KS: Magic (INT-based) 13-
    2 3) KS: Mirrors (INT-based) 13-
    Skills Cost: 64
    Cost Perk
    4 Contact: Baba Yaga (Contact has: extremely useful Skills or resources) 8-
    4 Contact: Kostchei the Deathless (Contact has: very useful Skills or resources, Good relationship with Contact) 8-
    10 Money: Wealthy
    7 Equipment: the Witch's Mirror (35 Base, 0 Disad)
    2 Equipment: Alasnam's Mirror (10 Base, 0 Disad)
    2 Equipment: Cambuscan's Mirror (10 Base, 0 Disad)
    12 Equipment: Merlin's Mirror (60 Base, 0 Disad)
    10 Equipment: Prester John's Mirror (50 Base, 0 Disad)
    8 Equipment (40 Base, 0 Disad)
    Perks Cost: 59
    Cost Talent
    3 Lightsleep
    3 Perfect Pitch
    Talents Cost: 6
    Total Character Cost: 500
    Pts. Disadvantage
    5 Distinctive Features: Beautiful (Easily Concealed; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)
    15 Enraged: Thwarted by [player character] (Uncommon), go 14-, recover 14-
    15 Hunted: The New Circle 8- (Mo Pow; Harshly Punish)
    10 Hunted: [player character] 8- (As Pow; Harshly Punish)
    15 Hunted: Tezcatlipoca 8- (Mo Pow; Harshly Punish)
    20 Psychological Limitation: Must Be The Fairest (Common; Total)
    15 Psychological Limitation: Hunts [player character] (Common; Strong)
    15 Psychological Limitation: Obsessed With Mirrors (Very Common; Moderate)
    5 Reputation: Sleeping Beauty 8-
    15 Rivalry: Professional ([player character]; Rival is As Powerful; Seek to Harm or Kill Rival; Rival Aware of Rivalry; Rival is a Player Character)
    20 Vulnerability: 2 x STUN Disfiguring Attacks or Face-Shots (Common)
    Disadvantage Points: 150
    Base Points: 350
    Experience Required: 0
    Total Experience Available: 0
    Experience Unspent: 0
    Background/History: Vasilisa Kostcheivna, onetime Sleeping Beauty, lived happily ever after with Prince Ilya - with the Witch's Mirror covered and set aside. But while Ilya was mortal, Vasilisa was the daughter of Kostchei the Deathless, the granddaughter of Baba Yaga. Ilya died; she was lonely. She looked into the Witch's Mirror.
    She was no longer the Fairest.
    She began to search for other mirrors, to find one that would prove she was the Fairest. She spent days, months, years, learning from reflections. Nothing helped. If she was to be the Fairest, she would have to see to it herself...
    Personality/Motivation: Although once she was innocent and beautiful, time has cost her innocence, and holding on to her beauty has slowly poisoned her soul. Perhaps it was the witch's curse, but the Fairest is now obsessed with the fact that she is no longer "the fairest in the land". Even so, she has not realized that she has become the witch in her modern day tale.
    She was always spoiled - as a child, she wanted for nothing. She was saved from dying by the Hunter. She was cared for by the Little Men. She was rescued by Prince Ilya. Not being "the fairest in the land" is the first time she has been denied something she really wanted. It is not surprising she has conceived a petty, childish hatred toward the one who now IS "the fairest in the land".
    When not obsessing over her enemy, the Fairest is surprisingly sweet, reasonable, and charismatic. Just occasionally liable to fly into a rage over her enemy.
    Quote: "Mirror, mirror on the wall... NOW who is the fairest, of them all?"
    Powers/Tactics: Most of the Fairest's threatening powers come from her taking time to study her enemies beforehand. Faced with someone she is not familiar with, she will be ineffectual. Against a known enemy, though, she can use her "I've Watched You In My Mirrors" powers to be devastating. Preferably, she will carefully set up her enemies, so that they fall victim to dangers and situations that can't be traced back to her. She prefers to operate behind the scenes, the puppet-mistress pulling the strings. When she confronts her enemy, she will do her best to ensure that they are alone, while all her enemy's allies are distracted. The Fairest is unlikely to last for long in combat, so she always has a plan ready for her escape (e.g., through any nearby mirror).
    With all her mirrors granting her excellent intelligence, the Fairest should be allowed to know whatever is going on. She can then meddle to exploit this to her advantage. While she will rarely be the main opponent of an adventure, she can make otherwise ordinary adventures take a suddenly dangerous and unexpected twist.
    Campaign Use: The Fairest is intended to be an archenemy for a superheroine. She is not deadly, but will be able to challenge her chosen foe whenever she shows up. Choose one of the "Archenemy Options" listed that best matches the powers of her chosen foe; these options should prevent her foe from easily defeating the Fairest when they face each other. Optimally, her enemy would have Susceptibilities or Vulnerabilities for her to exploit. And even if her enemy does not have a higher COM than the Fairest, she might be "fairer" because of her innate virtue (which the Fairest has lost by now).
    She can easily be upgraded to master villainess by giving her some minions. An armed band of seven Dark Dwarves (adapted from Monsters, Minions, and Marauders) would be appropriate. She could also ally herself as a member of a villain team, joined together to defeat the superhero team that her foe is a member of. For either option, she would make sure to carefully study her opponents beforehand, and adjust her plans accordingly. When working in conjunction with other villains, the Fairest can be especially dangerous because of her ",,, And I'll Tell Them" power.
    Plot Seed: The Fairest manages to capture the reflection of her enemy in the Mirror of Nemesis (possibly by reflecting Merlin's Mirror into the Mirror of Nemesis). She unleashes the "evil twin" mirror image of the player character onto the campaign city. As her reputation is being tarnished by her evil twin's villainy, her teammates in the New Circle are unable to tell them apart. It is only in their final confrontation that everyone can notice the evil twin is the mirror image of the player character.
    Plot Seed: The Fairest wants Tezcatlipoca's obsidian Smoking Mirror - which can reveal the darkest secrets and darkest nature of those reflected in it. She sets up her enemy and the New Circle for a confrontation with Tezcatlipoca, deliberately leaking information to them from her observation of Tezcatlipoca himself. Then, when they are about to defeat Tezcatlipoca's schemes, she offers him information about the vulnerabilities of the New Circle - but at a price. However, she does not reveal her enemy's weaknesses to Tezcatlipoca; she wants to defeat her enemy herself.
    Plot Seed: The Fairest has discovered Archimedes' plans for his Burning Mirrors - the means that legend says he used to destroy an invading Roman fleet at Syracuse in 212 BC. The mirrors redirect and focus sunlight into immensely destructive rays. She gives the mirrors to enemies of the New Circle. Then, while these villains are using their new toys and the New Circle is trying to stop them, she arranges for her enemy to be caught alone to face her, and determine who will be the Fairest of them all...
    Appearance: Beautiful, regal woman with snow-white skin, coal-black hair, sapphire-blue eyes, and blood-red lips.
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