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Everything posted by Wyldrose76

  1. I am a fairly new player who is having some confusion regarding multiform. Some things our GM has told me conflicts with what I've read in the book on page 137. Maybe you can help me? First of all, if I understand correctly, if you have paid the points for x4 forms, you essentially have a total of 5 forms. Your true form, AND 4 forms you can change into. Secondly, that your true form isn't considered when referring to the most expensive form. Take the example given in the book: a 350 point character has four forms he can change into, the most expensive one being 400 points. So, the character points his true form pays is based on the 400, 80 points, plus the 10 points for having the x4 forms. Am I understanding it correctly? Our GM is pretty new to this system as well, so I know he's learning things too, but it's frustrating to have a GM limit you to certain things you can do and figure out later the rules say different. (Such as with x4 forms, true form is one? and that your true form's points is considered the highest point form?) Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!!!!!!!!!
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