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Sidmouth's Achievements

  1. I'm new to both the boards and the game, so hola. Being new to the rulebook, I have to admit some lack of familiarity, so it's possible I'm missing something easy here, but humor me all the same I'm trying to simulate two limitations on cybernetics. The first is a chance for a cybernetic organ or other implant to be rejected by the body, causing damage and possibly requiring emergency aid to stem said damage. The second is permanent or temporary minuses to statistics. What I have in mind are cybernetics that reduce your COM because of scarring or because they cover up your beautiful eyes, but it would be useful to simulate drugs that boost strength and speed but make you stupid too, for example. Feel certain there must be limitations that will fit the bill for both of these, but I'm either looking right at 'em and not being creative enough, or I'm simply lost in this large book
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