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    AlHazred reacted to ArmlessTigerMan for a file, domino.pdf   
    Write up for The Domino Lady. She appeared in six short stories in the pages of  Saucy Romance Stories in 1936, detailing her battle against blackmailers and corrupt politicians, and looking fabulous while doing it.
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    AlHazred reacted to ccastan for a file, HS6E GM Screen   
    This is a GM screen I created using a combination of tables from Champions Complete (mostly), and Hero System 6E Volume 2. I made minor tweaks to some tables because of spacing needs, but otherwise the tables are straight from those sources.
    The pages are laid out to use in a landscape 11" x 8 1/2" format. I use a four panel vinyl landscape 11" x 8 1/2" screen I bought online. Of course you can also use the tables on a laptop during play.
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    AlHazred reacted to Christopher R Taylor for a file, The Greatest Guns of History   
    From Bass Reeves to Wyatt Earp, and all points in between, this is a file packed with dozens of real-life gun fighters, lawmen, Native American heroes, and much more.  This packet includes a folder full of Hero Designer files as well as a pdf with all the write ups and as a bonus, the details of how the special talents in Western Hero were constructed.
    GMs can use these as NPCs of history the players encounter  and templates for NPCs under different identities. Players can use them as examples of how various types of characters can be built or inspiration for their own character.
    This is a companion file with the Greatest Guns Who Never Were, free for use and play with Western Hero!
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