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About AlHazred

  • Birthday 03/17/1969

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    New Jersey, USA
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    Into gaming, movies, and food. Who isn't?
  • Occupation
    Field Analyst

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  1. Great idea! And if you want to mine ideas... Fu Manchu was so popular he spawned a whole host of imitators. Many of them had one variation or another: at least one had sorcery, another was more of a martial artist, etc. And many of the source texts are available on various archives of pulps. Also, Fu Manchu is canonically the father of Shang Chi in Marvel comics, or at least he was the last time I was aware of comics. Probably some great plots to be mined there!
  2. Holy crap! I think that's it! You are a scholar and a gentleman! I'm still going to do up my own, since I started rereading the books. But this is extremely helpful and informative!
  3. I guess I'm going to write up a bunch of minions!
  4. I just remember a (very primitive) website with the Devil Doctor and various minions in brief. I wish I had saved a link so I could at least try the Wayback Machine!
  5. I should add, here's my version, based purely on those of the 14 novels and various short stories I've been able to find. I don't have all of the material, and this writeup also doesn't include any extrapolations or expansions from Marvel, the film serials, the Wold Newton Universe, etc. Villain - Dr. Fu Manchu.pdf
  6. This is a long shot. Back in the day, I remembered a website with very brief writeups of Dr. Fu Manchu and his minions (dacoits, thugs, lascars, etc.) I believe it was for third edition. I was trying to find this site the other day, but I can't find any evidence of it, or that it even existed. Anybody know what I'm talking about? Alternatively, if you have writeups for either Dr. Fu Manchu or the various characters and/or agents of the Si-Fan (or adjacent) I'd love to see them! I'm trying to populate my nineteenth century San Francisco with a variety of shady criminal characters of various backgrounds and cultures.
  7. It's still a work in progress. I've allocated 1500 points and only used 1300! No PC at my table ever let's points sit around unused! 😝 I'm contemplating how fast the interstellar travel is. As you say, with immortality, it doesn't need to be fast at all. I debated putting in a madness power, but I submit that in Lovecraftian Hero that's just a facet of the universe, not an individual's power. There are some additional options presented in Ken Hite's Adventures Into Darkness as well.
  8. I've been working up Great Cthulhu. I could swear I saw him worked up somewhere, but I can't find it now. I started this because I realized we can estimate Cthulhu's potential maximum BODY. In the story "The Call of Cthulhu," the sailor Johansen rams Cthulhu with the steam yacht Alert going full speed. A tramp freighter steamship in the Pulp Vehicle Sourcebook has a STR of 95; and the top speed was probably around 10 knots (around 5 meters per second, or around a Movement of 30m for a SPD 2 yacht). If we assume those numbers, the maximum damage that could be done with a vehicle Move Through is 19d6 (for STR) + 5d6 (30m/6) = 24d6 damage. The maximum possible BODY from such an attack is 48; therefore, Cthulhu cannot have more than 48 BODY, and probably has less. I'm still toying around with other numbers. Like, his STR; could he lift a Pyramid? I think, probably not. Could he lift the Golden Gate Bridge? Maybe? The longer I think on it, the lower I think it actually is. It'll probably end up closer to 90. He's currently at 1307 points. Villain - Cthulhu.pdf
  9. Agreed. That's my takeaway from reading old Alarums & Excursions. You'll read about the same arguments you see on active gaming forums, along with personal snippets of campaigns, and so forth. One author gave a multi-page writeup of his starter adventure for Traveller. It read familiarly to me, and in checking the planet names I realized he'd later submitted it to Traveller JTAS periodical as a 2-page scenario; it was one of my favorites I'd remembered from reading it years ago. Reading his campaign writeup in A&E shed light on a whole different way it could play out and was pretty rewarding.
  10. That's the problem for a lot of old fanzines. The rights are the murkiest, and many of the contributors will be difficult if not impossible to reach. I have a feeling the old fanzines will slip into obscurity and inaccessibility far faster than other media. And another piece of the gaming history will be gone forever. EDIT: And it should go without saying, I'd be interested in the progress of this and would like to subscribe to your newsletter!
  11. I love these things! I originally picked up a few A&Es a few years ago to see what they were like, and became enthused when I saw the same arguments played out in them that people still argue about on gaming forums today. I've since started picking up some, but it's admittedly hit or miss as the few indexes for APAzines you can find online are all incomplete. That's sad to hear!
  12. Hmmm... So Mircea is a Ventrue, Vladislas a Tzimisce, and Radu a Toreador?
  13. I don't know if I should include Red October. It expands the whole thing greatly beyond its original scope. Also, she has the archives at least split into categories which makes them easier to search. Part of the reason for this list was, a lot of these publications are hard to find and will only become more rare -- for instance, is it worth buying an expensive item on eBay if you only know it has a Champions article? Hopefully you can at least check my list and see if it's of interest! For me personally, I'm always interested in archives of old Champions and Hero System material. No need to ask!
  14. Apparently, @mattingly is the man to ask! I found this post, where he mentions it. There's a list of Hero APAzines in that thread: Haymaker!, Aaron Allston’s Rogue’s Gallery, HeroZine, The Clobberin' Times, Black Hats & White Capes, and Clockwork Hero. I'm sad I wasn't enough of a writer to at least contribute to one or two of these. I had no idea there were this many! This is relevant because I'm working up a list of articles. I can't include any APAzines beyond a few issues of Alarums & Excursions, because I don't have any! A&E you can at least buy direct from Lee Gold.
  15. A while back, I worked up an article index for the Chaosium Pendragon game. This isn't to index all relevant material that has ever shown up online; that would be a monumental and fruitless task. It was mainly to index articles in old print and PDF periodicals, which aren't always well-documented in RPGGeek. After I completed it, it occurred to me that Champions/Hero System also has not-that-many articles that have ever shown up in magazines -- there were a huge number of online resources from the very beginning (starting with and including the Red October BBS), and so I guess a lot of people were looking there for their resources. Still, there are more than Pendragon, and I used to have subsciptions to Adventurer's Club, EZ Hero, and Digital Hero, so I've got those to go off of. I've started the list here. I've got quite a ways to go, and I have no idea where to find some of the resources. Haymaker! has compilations available on DTRPG, but I love old APAzines (they're basically the Web forums before the Web existed) and even if I did, indexing them would take ages. Suggestions welcome.
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