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About Whimsical

  • Birthday 12/31/1967

Whimsical's Achievements

  1. I would like to run a HERO Games adventure at a gaming convention, but I'm teh suxx at creating them. I don't know if HERO Games have some downloadable adventures that are intended to be run in a four hour slot. Something to showcase a sourcebook or the HERO game itself. Or, if one of you have some detailed notes of an adventure that you ran at a con. The adventures I like the most are like the RPGA Classics that used to be run several years ago. Where not only the adventure was detailed, but there were pregenerated PCs built toward the adventure, along with described personalities and interrelationships. There's this Golden Age Champions RPGA adventure that I have kept and ran several times for the RPG players that I play with. I know it's a tall order. But I'm checking to see if such an adventure is available for me to run. Thanks.
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