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Everything posted by Vamphyr1

  1. Re: Creating a Shadow Demon Thanks for all the help guys! I will definitely be working off of all these powers, and with the Pride fight from FMA in mind. If the creature is submerged in total darkness, all his inherent powers would stop, but that wouldn't change the fact that he would still be a hulking monster with inhuman strength and vision that cuts through any darkness.
  2. Re: Help Me Populate: The Undead Asylum I would definitely though in some centurion style stone golems that march preset paths and floors. Their only purpose is to destroy anything moving without permission. Before the players enter the Asylum, have the warden or whoever give them some kind of amulet that they just have to show to the guards to gain passage. Then halfway through the dungeon have some crafty undead steal it from them so they have to fight to get it back or be crushed by the guards. An item that allows free passage past guards that kill everything in their path would be highly valued in an asylum, whether the individual was good or evil.
  3. Re: Help Me Populate: The Undead Asylum Depending on how you want to run the Asylum, the players may also be running into non-undead enemies. You could have pairs of centurion style constructs wandering the corridors as guards ruthlessly destroying anything moving without permission. The only way to get by them without fighting would be to have a certain item that worked as a pass signalling to the guards they have permission to be there. You could also have different types of demons lurking in corridors or even taking over entire floors as mini-kingdoms. Shadow demons would be numerous in lower levels and it would make sense they would be attracted considering the large concentration of necromantic energy. Now, are you planning on having a strong human guard presence in the upper levels, and then the lower Asylum portion is full of cells but the prisoners roam free? Or is it all heavily guarded with the dead inside their cells, only becoming an issue when the break free? I would personally go with the free roaming, since it allows it to be a dungeon crawl, and for their to be unknown treasures and secrets beneath, with the guard on the upper level letting them know what they've heard of rumors from some of the still sane inmates residing beneath.
  4. Re: Help Me Populate: The Undead Asylum You could also be dealing with non undead related beings as well. If this is an asylum for the undead, where and what are the guards? What kind of evils and creatures may have snuck into a place with such a high concentration of evil energy and death? I would stick some stone centurion style guards on random floors, pairs of stone warriors that march the levels and put down anything moving without authorization with extreme prejudice. Unless the players acquire and keep track of a specific piece of paper/medallion/or jewel that allows them to pass, the guards will use everything in their power to destroy them. You could also be dealing with different kinds of demons considering this would be a place full of necromantic energy. Shadow demons and the like would lurk in dark corridors and rooms. More powerful demons or devils may have taken over and converted entire floors to suit there needs. But all of that is entirely up to how you want to run the place. Were you thinking of having a strong human guard presence at the upper levels and then construct style guards and free-roaming prisoners in the lower levels? (Sort of like that prison planet in Chronicles of Riddick) or are the only undead ones that have escaped their cells and now torment the guards and still sane prisoners until they can be put down?
  5. Re: Help Me Populate: The Undead Asylum How about a juggernaut style monster. A hulking monster of legendary strength, made of hundreds of bodies worth of bones and decaying flesh, it roams the lower halls of the asylum snatching up any undead in it's path and killing any living beings it encounters to increase it's mass and strength, constantly looking for a way out of the winding corridors of cells. It has has hundreds of collected memories telling it about how wonderful the outside is, and how plentiful and easy the food is. Also, you could set up a lich style undead, one that still has it's memories and intelligence, in the time before his undeath he use to practice certain dark arts, and they have never benefited him more than now. In a hurried attempt to stave off the Hollowness he felt growing inside, he found a way to suck the memories and life force from others around him, almost immediately making them Hollows. He found that this feeding holds off the emptiness and keeps his mind sharp. There was one side effect he did not count on however, the newly drained Hollows obey his every command, he can sense the ones he's drained and can control their every movement with but a thought from any part of the asylum. He is slowly building an army and plans to over through the Asylum guards and turn this prison into his fortress, and to spread his control to the surrounding hills.
  6. I'm thinking of running a 250 point supers game for my friends and I'm liking the idea of them having to fight a powerful shadow demon that broke free from a sorcerers summoning ritual. I would probably be running for around 4 people, so I figure I'd have 1000 points or so to work with for the demon to be a match for the whole party. I was wondering what you would give it for powers/abilities or if you've ever made a shadow demon archetype before. I figure I'll give him basic shadow creation (wall/sphere) claws and a bite, and probably some for of invisibility while in shadows. I need to think about it more, but suggestions and ideas would be wonderful
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