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Posts posted by Lurker

  1. Re: Why play Fantasy Hero over other fantasy games?


    I'd just like to say that I really enjoy this thread.

    I thought it would quickly turn into D&D-bashing but it seems most of the people posting here are rather honest, unbiased and able to see the advantages of another game system.

    As a player relatively new to HERO, I must say I'm positively surprised that HERO players seem to be a nicer (and less prejudiced) group than the followers of other systems.

  2. Re: The Harbinger of Justice Thread




    You just laid to rest some major concerns that I had been developing about DC. From many of the threads I was getting the feeling DC was leaning toward being more of a straight Danger International/Espionage/Top Secret genre instead of "Dark Champions". The costumed vigilante is my favorite genre, be it modern (DC) or pulp based (JI).




    I, on the other hand, must say that I'm more than a little disappointed about this. From other threads I had understood that DC would have the espionage/special ops/police genre at its core and that costumed vigilantes would be - if at all present - more or less handled in a couple of sidebars.

    If DC should be essentially a street-level superhero book than I doubt that we even need it - superhero campaigns of varying power levels are adequately handled in the Champions books. Realistic contemporary campaings on the other hand are still left out of most HERO products; they should be handled similarly to Fantasy or Science Fiction (in the FANTASY HERO and STAR HERO books respectively).

    If DC is at its heart, a superhero sourcebook, then it would explain why the cover would feature the Harbinger. If on the other hand (and I still haven't given up hope about this), DC is centered more towards non-superhero campaigns, I think it would be a grave error to feature a superhero-ish cover because it would send out the wrong message to potential buyers.

    If it is true what I'm suspecting here I find it very sad that HERO once more proves to be not the uniersal rpg it claims to be but still very much a superhero game with a couple of campaign options...

  3. Re: Mood Music


    Thanks for the advice. I'm gonna go out and buy myself the (magical) "Usual Suspects" Sountrack right away.


    We also occasionally use music from Video and Computer Games, although except for Resident Evil 3 I can't remember any specific titles.


    Any suggestions?

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