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Tobias Brick

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  1. Re: How can I build a power that does all knock-back? Thanks everyone for the great replies! (I was absolutely hammered by work and home right after posting this; please forgive my ignoring your responses for a week.) Looking at these options, I like the concept of the flash vs. touch attack. I worry about that, though, because I definitely think this should work on something like robot, which may or may not have touch. The martial throw idea is intriguing as well and it fits thematically in that my character's main TK power is a push/pull only power and I frequently grab dudes and throw them. But that's an individual. I could spread the attack and attack everyone individually (which I think is what you're suggesting). I'll talk to my GM about whether that would work with my current power set. I'm playing 5E. Is "shove" a 6E construct? If so, is martial throw the closest thing in 5E? Or am I greatly missing something? Also, I'm not sure how a naked advantage really works. I read the section on it and I'm not much clearer. Thanks again.
  2. Hi all (first post--hopefully I don't do anything dumb or insulting...) I'm in a campaign that's kind of low-end superhero. My character is a physicist who has an alien in his brain that gives him force powers, and makes him insane. Fun times. I have a 60-point reserve multipower that holds my force-related offensive powers (energy blast, telekinesis). My GM has set 60 as the upper limit for our powers and multipower reserves. I'd like to add a close area of effect that will get bad guys away from me. Damage isn't super important here--the main goal is to get them away and spread them out. The best I can come up with is this: Energy Blast 4d6 --Personal Immunity (+1/4) --Double Knockback (+3/4) --Area Of Effect (4" Radius; +1) (60 Active Points) Assuming average rolls, this attack will do 4 body damage, which is made 8 back Double Knockback (for determining knockback). An average and the 2 knockback dice would give 7, so on average this will knock someone back one inch (and knock them down). I'd like to come up with a way to make this more effective in the goal of spreading baddies out and knocking them down. Only thing I can think of is somehow trading in damage for effective body for knockback, but I don't see anything that would let me do that. Any ideas? Thanks!
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