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Everything posted by Alltheeights

  1. Re: Pain! Cheers for the input all! The Supress seems like maybe the best idea, I haden't even thought of an EGO attack, but for plot reasons (I want a particular PC to be able to resist the pain-touch) I dont think it would work for me. Thanks anyway! I'm gonna include bonuses to interrogation as part of the aliens write up anyway, as they're pretty adept at using it, it's just the Hero obsesive in me wants to model the touch "correctly." It's mainly going to be a plot device and interrogation tool, plus a way of making the aliens more cool and evil. I usually wouldn't mind just declaring it to the players "the touch of the vile alien sears your flesh with pain..." etc, but when I'm running Hero I like to have things work within the system, or I have trouble sleeping a night. Does that make me a bad person?
  2. Alltheeights


    I'm trying to model a power for new alien race in my campaign, and I'm having a bit of trouble, so I thought I'd apeal to the pulsating brains of the star hero board. Baisically, the aliens have the ability to manipulate the nervous system of any carbon based organism to induce pain. The problem is I'm not sure how to model this in Hero. The aliens have to make skin contact and requires them to concentrate (0 DCV), but I don't intend the touch to be much use in combat, so I don't want anything like a stun-only HA, or STUN drain because once the skin contact is removed the PC shouldn't be impaired afterwards. I was thinking of something along the lines of an entangle or DEX drain (transfixed with pain), but neither of these "feel" right and seem too complicated for what should be a simple touch=owch! and no touch=no ouch. Any help would be very...helpful!
  3. Re: Deathstalker novels for Pulp Sci-Fi Oh yeah, and I meant to say, Nyrath - I thought I recognised your picture from somewhere, I came across your site ages ago when I was looking for local star mapping stuff. No idea you were a Hero hero too. Kudos on your site man!
  4. Re: Deathstalker novels for Pulp Sci-Fi I read all the Deathstalker novels a few years ago, and I have to agree, they would make an excellent Star Hero setting. In fact I'd intended to do some stuff in Hero, but then I promptly forgot about it 'till I read your post. A couple of points though:- 1) The recharge time on the weapons is mainly a fudge to include lots of cool melee combat, since you can't decrease the recharge time by pumping more power into them (pistols/rifles/ship weapons all have roughly the same recharge time). This really bugged me when I read the stories, so you might need some almost-science flavoured explanation like dark matter batteries or zero-point bleed off or some other nonsense. Although Green did introduce old-style slugthrowers later on. 2) IMHO the setting is gonna require more than 150 pts if the characters are going to be “one notch off†in the power level, especially if you’re gonna have Wolfings/Hadenmen/Whampyri running around… Personally, I think 250 pts would be a good level, this would be great for Investigators/Espers etc… If you haven’t read the any of the main series (they are pretty chunky) you might want to pick up Mistworld or Ghostworld, since they’re set in the same universe and use some of the same characters.
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