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  1. Re: New at the rules. A Beam Rifle Thanks for the help. I really appreciate the quick responses here. Good to hear I was on the right track. @Ternaugh I was going off the examples from equipment, some of which have incredible ranges. For making sense in a game though I probably will keep the range increases lower. Also the adding damage table makes a bit more sense. Going to have to read that thing a few more times but on the right track now. @Thommi & steamteck I looked up beam and found the limitation and applied it as that is more what I was going for. @Christopher Thanks for the scope calculations! Will grab that as an optional rule to add on. Now onto creating my arsenal! Thanks again.
  2. Hello there. I am incredibly new at this game, and been slowly doing prep for a star hero game using the hero system. Using the 6th edition rules (I think) equipment book that was released for reference I have been trying to get a method down for creating weaponry in the game so I can create a list of standard weaponry for the various races we have. I just want to make sure I am doing this right... If this is in the wrong section of the forums please let me know. So just going with the common concept of a 'lazer' rifle, this is sort of what I came up with. I have listed it below without costs to prevent information gathering from books. Power: Lazer Rifle (Killing Attack) Type: Standard Power/ Attack Power Duration: Instant Target: Target's DCV Costs END: Charges Cost: 30 Points for 2D6 Ranged Energy Damage. Range: 1200m (300 base) **Advantages: Increased Maximum Range x4 Charges (Clips) - Reload 2 Phases - Clip Size: 32 Total: +.5 **Limitations: OAF Real Weapon STR Minimum (10) Two Handed Blocked by Smoke or Steam Total: 2.5 Real Points: ((30 x (1.5)) / (3.5) ) = 12.857 = 13 Real Points Then since it's real points are under the original 30 active points it would not gain additional damage as specified under rolling damage classes in the second book. I just need to know if I am way off on power calculations... I have tried designing some lower level powers as well but when you start adding all these things together... I am not sure if I am doing this right anymore. Thanks from a gamer trying to learn a new system.
  3. Re: Space Currencies Thanks for all the advice everyone! This is a wealth of information that allows me to talk to my players about what we want to do. If we want to use the resource system from the books, a monetary system either based on scaling costs, that cost chart from the books, or do away with resource systems and just go for more of an abstract system. I look forward to future conversations here on these forums and will post up some of the stuff that we end up running with!
  4. Hello people of the hero forums! This is my first posting here. Alongside a group of friends, I hope to make use of the hero 6th edition system for a romping space adventure. Sort of a firefly/Aliens/Starwars inspired, taking themes and ideas from each to create a feeling for the game while having entirely original content as far as races and what not. It will be our first time using the hero system, of any edition. We have been progressing fairly well using the star hero book and the equipment guide to give guidelines about what decisions need to be made as far as the major choices go and creating races and templates and we are slowly getting a grip on power creation and I will likely be posting elsewhere on these forums for help with complicated powers and what not. Our current concern... is that there isn't really a guideline (Not that I have found anyways) on how to structure pricing on goods in the galaxy. I can't find a spot in the books that discusses actual number values to use... I have been trying to think of a way to structure this based on the character points used in the books for pricing of objects but straight across doesn't seem to be appropriate (Such as 1 character point = 10 credits) or scaling (Every 10 points each 1 costs +10 Credits, ex. 1-10 cost 10, 11-20 cost 20) but at higher levels that doesn't seem to work and would be complicated to figure out the price of any one thing let alone on the level of space ships with costs in the hundreds. Also arbitrarily assigning values seems ill advised. We were hoping you might have some advice, or if there is a book that covers this that I am not aware of this information would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance!
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