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Jonny Reload

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Everything posted by Jonny Reload

  1. Well, here I am... I've got the itch, the worst itch EVER of wanting to run a Space Opera setting. I've only done it once in my 14 years of role playing and that was with Alternity (The only GOOD D20 system ever made by TSR before they were... Assimilated.) And it was a biblical game that most of my friends still talk about to this day. And thats what has pushed me over the edge to bring back my campaign setting called The Astral Saga. (For those of you who are curious, it was basically Shadowrun in Space.) Anywho, looking at D20: Modern and D20: Space, yeah.... Thats a god awful system which doesn't inspire a trace of role playing. (It's a great system for miniatures, but not for telling a story). Then I stumbled over to GURPS... GREAT support for... Well, EVERYTHING! Good god Steve Jackson is a busy man, he makes role playing books to cover EVERYTHING! But, the system was too... Abstract (Yes, even more so then D20 in my opinion.) Shadowrun/Wizkids is on the verge of dying off so I won't even try to convert their stuff into a space setting. Now I know plenty of you are gonna pick a bone with me on that, but I wanna support a company thats gonna be around for a while. I'm the kind that will by supplements and etc. because the publisher has provided me with free time in my life rather then designing up rules in my room for hours on end. I look at it as PAYING for more free time in my life since I'm a busy individual. And I've been browsing over alot of the free stuff so far, I mean it looks A LITTLE like GURPS, but as for my questions... What are the differences between GURPS and the Hero System? Where on the top 10 list of rpg publishers does HERO GAMES stand? I mean, is this a struggling RPG company or are they making plans to expand and grow into other fields (Like White Wolf or WOTC.) When did Hero Games start their little nitch in the RPG market? How big is Hero Games following of supporters? I know many of these questions might seem artificial, but I am looking to invest my money into a new RPG company that can support me and my Space Opera addiction. Any feedback at all would be greatly appreciated since I'm basically trying to be sold on the idea of commiting/convincing/persuading me and all my RPG friends to try and convert to this standard of RPG system.
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