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  1. Re: Help Needed with New Character Thanks for the replies! Yeah, you're right, I realize its a lot (maybe too much?) to ask. Ultimately I am going to get access to some (any!) material, and start piecemealing this character together. To fill in some of the blanks, I see her as a mystical pyrokinetic i.e. being able to exert major influence over fire, whether that be igniting a newspaper stand in flames, or making the candle flames in a restaurant dance jubilantly. She has this power innately but its ultimately tied to her mystical gifts. Because of her bloodlines, she was born to be a sorceress, thanks to her upbringing, she has some understanding of things arcane. Her innate powers also are meant to show some signs of being much more than seen on the surface i.e. minor influence over other elements (earth, air, water). Anyway, I guess I'm so terribly vague, because I still don't have access to any of the material, which (I know, I know) is my own fault. I'm just going to have to find an internet dealer, that can ship out to this remote little hole I'm living in, in the heart of europe! Anyway, thanks again for the response. I'm still open to any feedback/ideas that anyone cares to share.
  2. I am going to be joining a long running Champions game set in the bronze age. I've played some other super hero systems in the past, but have zero experience with the hero system , or champions (aside from using the old champions 'enemies' books to supplement my other supes campaigns). We're playing online, and unfortuantely I don't have (and haven't been able to acquire) the prerequisite books yet. I'm working on it, but I'm in a little remote town in the heart of europe, and there isn't much in the way of distribution out here. I've outlined a character for the DM, but am unable to convert that character into hero system stats and figures. I was wondering if anyone here would be interested in helping me out? My character (still unnamed) is a young girl born with mystical powers. She was raised by a coven of witches, and has some understanding of the arcane arts. Her inherent abilities involve minor influence over earth, air, and water (when I say minor, I mean that its hardly useful, but there are signs that something really powerful is there, just undeveloped), with a major influence over fire i.e. generating it from nothing, controlling and shaping it perhaps, and even snuffing out existing flames. Her sorceress blood also lends her to be gifted in the areas of arcane magics, and she excelled during her time spent as a student with the witches. Her ability with fire however, is natural and not the result of any learning from the witches. Though her knowledge is still undeveloped, she is gifted and shows a lot of *promise* to grow in power as she matures. The campaign is bronze age and in the words of the DM: "As far as game mechanics go. Its HERO system, Champions genre. The game is 350 with 100 in disads (450 total) with no more then 30 in any one disad catagory. There is a 75 active point limit on powers (and yes I know there are some powers that cannot be made with less then 75, so for it to be accepted it better have a -good- story), I want armor/PD/ED to cap at 20 and SPD at 6, finally max OCV and DCV would be 10." These figures are really incomprehensible to me at the moment (being a newbie) but I'll get it figured out eventually. Anyone want to take a crack at converting my character idea into a solid useable champion?
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