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Posts posted by Phynris

  1. Re: What's *your* superpower?


    I have the ability to "shut down" I can be asleep, and I mean fully asleep, in a deep sleep, in 30 sec. Sometime it can take a full min, at others (like when the wife is yapping) I can be asleep in 15 sec.


    This power pisses off my wife :)


    I have the added power linked to the first, able to do anything in my sleep.


    I was running a D&D game once, fell asleep and kept running it, but only at aboout 1/4 of my total wit.



  2. ok Super heroic setting. Player has a char that has Multiform. His multiform is a 850 point char.


    OK major game balance issue, so to make sure I am understanding this correctly he needs to A) have the same base points on his multiform as in the campaign (200 in this case) and make up the rest of the 650 in Disadvantages. and B) The only way I can get around the not letting him play it because the GM said so, is to limit max points from 1 type of disadvantage.


    I feel like I am missing a major point somewhere.

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