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About willbot

  • Birthday 03/28/1991

Profile Information

  • Biography
    Well I'm a nerd w/ 3 cats that sleep on my keyboard while I'm trying to type.
  • Occupation
    car washer sell insurance when I get the chance.

willbot's Achievements

  1. Re: A newb with a problem I played this guy today he did well. Basically this is a midget genius inside of a hyped up super powerful Robosuit. MR. Fixit | POWERS | Ec-Armor Ozf 60 Hp:52/52 | | boost: +60 str (14/14) | | Armor Hardened/2 | In/out | Total life support 10pts power def 70/10 Str. | 20/11 Dex | Force field (+20/+20) Protects carried | 30/15 Con | 13/10 Body | 25inches flight 35 Int | 11 Ego | Enhanced Senses: see in dark, inferred | 30/15 Pre | 10 Com | Damage resistance (18/18) hardenedx2 | 18/5 Ed | 18/5 Pd | Hardened Pd & Ed (18/18) 6/3 Spd | 20/5 Rec | +4 Ocd Weapon system 60/30 End | 63/24 Stun | Gatling gun: 2d6 RKA Ae(5), Armor percentage pen; 64 +bocv Cost: 59/76 | Skill: 36 | Energy assault: 18d6 EB AF(3) +2OCV 16ch Power: 304 | Total: 350 | Area shock 2d6 RKA AE(8â€) AF(5) 64ch Bonus:100 | XP: | Explosion: 8d6 EB AVCD (poorerDef)16 | Skills | Buzz saw: 4d6 HKA 4 levels Gadget, groups Scientist, Gadgeteer Group Programming, Computer hacking Group Science, Physics Electronics, mechanics Theoretical Physics Weapon Smith
  2. Re: A newb with a problem Thanx I'll do tat as soon as I make a copy of my gageteer on the computer I'll post it on this site and you can critisize the heck out of it!!!
  3. Re: A newb with a problem so basically what your saying is if I wanted to be a gageteer (i do) I'd pick skills like computer programming, mechanics, and electronics. Possibly weaponsmith?
  4. I have bought the fifth edition rules book but I'm having Alot of trouble understanding character creation. Could someone explain to me in simple words or provide mewith a character sheet I can try to learn from.
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