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Moody Loner

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Posts posted by Moody Loner

  1. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    Couple of my lines from the last Champions game:


    (watching the CF as the group tries to stop a popcorn cart from being stolen, moments after getting my butt whomped trying to take a 1000+ point villain solo):

    "At least when I do something idiotic, it's because of my Psycological Limitations."


    (after tracking down who was disrupting the festival by stealing snack vendors' carts):

    "Guys, you'd better get over here. I found the culprit, I'm by myself, and I'm negotiating."

  2. Re: Power Rangers


    Moody Loner : The fellow who tends to wear black, not talk much, and shows up late at fights. Often musically gifted, may ride a motorcycle, and has either a Tragic Past or a Dark Secret . Always has a romantic subplot with the one woman who can truly understand him .


    This sounds eerily familiar...


    While a great favorite of female fans,


    Don't I wish. Then again, that might be a little difficult to explain to Mrs. Moody (see "one woman who can truly understand him" above)


    he's usually a pretty sucky character type to interact with in game.






    PS: You knew I was going to riff on that, didn't you? :D

  3. Re: Critique and Help...


    Am I misreading that, or is that Cvk, Protective of Innocents, and Berserk?


    If you didn't want to be so "Angel after whatshisname got through with him" you could sacrifice some of the MA to get an OIF Bladeshooter or something. Personally, I think it works as is.


    You've got some points left, give the poor girl some defenses! She'll thank you for it.

    [EDIT] woops, missed the Combat Luck. And I do tend to over-defense my characters, anyway.



    Nice render, btw. I'm stil trying to get accessories and clothing to associate and go where they're supposed to be.

  4. Re: Could your Champions character beat...


    Are you two still arguing about this?


    Look, here's my munchkined character. I will freely admit borderline rules abuse, the difference is I don't thiink he can beat Cap.


    Moody Loner








    Val Char Cost
    15/30 STR 5
    15/20 DEX 15
    15/20 CON 10
    10/15 BODY 0
    15 INT 5
    12 EGO 4
    10/15 PRE 0
    10 COM 0
    3/25 PD 0
    3/23 ED 0
    4/6 SPD 15
    6/15 REC 0
    30/60 END 0
    26/42 STUN 0
    15" RUN02" SWIM03"/12" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 54




    Cost Power END
    12 +15 STR (15 Active Points); OIHID (-1/4) 1
    12 +5 DEX (15 Active Points); OIHID (-1/4)
    8 +5 CON (10 Active Points); OIHID (-1/4)
    8 +5 BODY (10 Active Points); OIHID (-1/4)
    4 +5 PRE (5 Active Points); OIHID (-1/4)
    3 +4 PD (4 Active Points); OIHID (-1/4)
    3 +4 ED (4 Active Points); OIHID (-1/4)
    16 +2 SPD (20 Active Points); OIHID (-1/4)
    8 +5 REC (10 Active Points); OIHID (-1/4)
    8 +20 END (10 Active Points); OIHID (-1/4)
    24 Chi Attacks: Multipower, 60-point reserve, (60 Active Points); all slots Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), Extra Time (Delayed Phase, -1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Beam (-1/4), OIHID (-1/4)
    2u 1) Kamehameha: EB 12d6 (vs. ED) (60 Active Points); Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), Extra Time (Delayed Phase, -1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Beam (-1/4), OIHID (-1/4) 6
    2u 2) Renzoku Energy Dan: EB 8d6 (vs. ED), Autofire (5 shots; +1/2) (60 Active Points); Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), Extra Time (Delayed Phase, -1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Beam (-1/4), OIHID (-1/4) 6
    2u 3) Big Bang Attack: EB 8d6 (vs. ED), Explosion (+1/2) (60 Active Points); Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), Extra Time (Delayed Phase, -1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Beam (-1/4), OIHID (-1/4) 6
    2u 4) Kienzan: EB 8d6 (vs. ED), AP (+1/2) (60 Active Points); Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), Extra Time (Delayed Phase, -1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Beam (-1/4), OIHID (-1/4) 6
    12 Chi-Powered "Martial Arts": Elemental Control, 30-point powers, (15 Active Points); all slots OIHID (-1/4)
    0 1) Variable Advantage (+1/2 Advantages; +1) for up to 45 Active Points of STR (45 Active Points); OIHID (-1/4) [Notes: This gets added with a kicker.] 4
    8 2) HA +3d6, Variable Advantage (+1/2 Advantages; +1) (30 Active Points); HA (-1/2), OIHID (-1/4) 3
    24 3) Personal Energy Aura: FF (15 PD/15 ED/6 Power Defense), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (45 Active Points); OIHID (-1/4) 2
    32 Movement Powers: Multipower, 40-point reserve, (40 Active Points); all slots OIHID (-1/4)
    3u 1) Bukujutsu: Flight 10", Variable Advantage (+1/2 Advantages; +1) (40 Active Points); OIHID (-1/4) 4
    1u 2) Running +9" (15" total) (18 Active Points); OIHID (-1/4) 2
    1u 3) Leaping +6" (3"/12" forward, 1 1/2"/6" upward) (6 Active Points); OIHID (-1/4) 1
    1u 4) Teleportation 6" (12 Active Points); no Noncombat movement (-1/4), OIHID (-1/4), Must Pass Through Intervening Space (-1/4) 1
    20 Boost: Super Saiyajin Mode: Aid Chi special effect Powers 2d6, Can Add Maximum Of 15 Points, Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1/4), all Chi powers simultaneously (+2) (70 Active Points); Concentration (0 DCV; -1/2), Self Only (-1/2), Costs END (-1/2), 8 Charges (-1/2), OIHID (-1/4), Visible: Flaming Aura (-1/4) 7
    Powers Cost: 216






    Cost Skill
    5 Rapid Attack (HTH)
    10 +2 with DCV
    3 Systems Operation 12-
    3 Teamwork 12- (13-)
    3 Acrobatics 12- (13-)
    3 Breakfall 12- (13-)
    0 1) AK: Home country or region 8-
    0 2) Acting 8-
    0 3) Climbing 8-
    0 4) Concealment 8-
    0 5) Conversation 8-
    0 6) Deduction 8-
    0 7) Native Language (idiomatic; Literate) (4 Active Points)
    0 8) PS: OSS/CIA Agent (Everyman Skill) 11-
    0 9) Paramedics 8-
    0 10) Persuasion 8-
    0 11) Shadowing 8-
    0 12) Stealth 8-
    0 13) TF: Small Motorized Ground Vehicles
    Skills Cost: 27




    Cost Perk
    5 Fringe Benefit: Security Clearance
    9 Contact: CIA (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has useful Skills or resources, Contact limited by identity), Organization Contact (x3) (9 Active Points) 11-
    3 Anonymity
    6 Contact: Tao (Contact has extremely useful Skills or resources, Very Good relationship with Contact) 8-
    Perks Cost: 23








    Total Character Cost: 320




    Val Disadvantages
    20 Enraged: when injured (Common), go 11-, recover 11-
    15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity Frequently (11-), Major
    15 Soc. Lim.: Harmful Secret: Affair with Tao (Occasionally, Severe)
    20 Soc. Lim.: Wife and Daughter are Secret Supers (Very Frequently, Major)
    10 Physical Limitation: Must eat 3* normal diet (Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
    10 Psychological Limitation: Protective Of Innocents (Common, Moderate)
    10 Psychological Limitation: Introverted (Common, Moderate)
    10 Psychological Limitation: Affection for Tao (Common, Moderate)
    20 Psych. Lim.: Loves wife and daughter (Very Common, Strong)
    5 Hunted: CIA 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Limited Geographical Area, Watching)
    15 Phys. Lim.: All Aid effects fade when at 0 STUN or less (Infrequently, Fully Impairing)


    Disadvantage Points: 150




    Base Points: 150


    Experience Required: 20


    Total Experience Available: 20


    Experience Unspent: 0


    Batteries of power frameworks? Check.


    God-awful movement powers? Check.


    Able to defeat Captain America? Nope.


    Sure, if Cap's dumb enough to let me control the fight and play my strengths against his weaknesses, the 430 point difference won't help him. But, and here is the subtle point Gary is missing, Cap isn't stupid. He's made a career out of going up against people with more raw power, and defeating them by controlling the fight, with superior skills and experience. Moody wouldn't make him break a sweat.


    Much as I'd like to think my character is all that and a side of fries :)

  5. Re: Could your Champions character beat...


    Uhm... if Cap somehow automatically loses to everyone with superior maneuverability' date=' then there is something weird going on here. Because Cap doesn't. A writeup that does is thus inaccurate.[/quote']



    I point out, (although to be fair, I didn't mention details of the writeup), that Moody Loner has 10" of Flight, +1 Variable Advantage (any advantage up to 1/2).


    That still doesn't buy him a win.


    Details of the writeup are irrelevant. The 450-point deficit does tell.

  6. Re: Could your Champions character beat...




    Even my character BASED on Cap would get schooled...at least now. Ask her again in about 50 exp.


    Moody Loner or Spartacus would get beaten like a cheap drum. Spartacus at least would have the wit to surrender and negotiate, but poor Moody, especially once his Enraged kicked in, would go Super Saiyajin, then be sent on an express trip to GM's Discretion courtesy of Cap's shield and vastly superior fighting ability.

  7. Re: The Fan Boy Brigade


    You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to OddHat again.


    Okay. I think this says enough, but the board doesn't...

    The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 1 characters.



  8. Re: Need help with a character concept...


    Took a look at that, and there's no real power construct for him. We might have to go with my "do up about thirty characters and pick them at random" idea or her "roll up with tables based on the Superhero Generator in the Champions book" idea.


    That said, I should have looked there first, as that's where I saw how to do a couple of things on "Moody Loner" that were bugging me. I'll be mining his page for construct ideas for decades :) .

  9. ...for the East Coast Supers game I was talking about earlier.


    The GM wants two characters - a 700 point (500+200) retiring veteran and a 300 point (150+150) recruit. The newbie has a negotiable 60 AP cap, the veteran a negotiable 100 AP cap. CV cap is 12 The recruit is getting 20 xp for the first two or three game sessions. Oh, and the game's set in 1957.


    Now, I don't need help with my character, I have a version of Tao (from the New Circle thread) for my veteran and a version of my Goku ripoff "Moody Loner" (from the "Show me the PC" thread) for my newbie.


    My wife, however, is working on the Sleeper for her 300 point character.


    Read "Wild Cards"? Yeah, that Sleeper.


    I told her I'd post a thread for suggestions on how to do someone who completely changes every time they sleep, and I'll encourage her to read the responses.


    Thanks in advance.

  10. Re: Jack-Jack Parr


    Speaking of the NSA files...(and back on topic)


    Didn't some of Jack-Jack's powers look similar to, say, Gazerbeam's, Brimstone's, and whatshisname the density guy...


    Probably a coincidence.

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