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Jade Tiger

HERO Member
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  1. Re: Initiative... Wouldn't this make it so that having a higher SPD made you less likely to go first?
  2. Re: Initiative... That seems cool. But, yeah, I can tell that you see where I'm coming from. It's not a 'gripe' or a 'problem' per se. It's just a niggling little half-issue kinda thing. I mean, in all honesty and fairness. Think of any game you've ever played on a different system (one that incorporates "random" initiative). Put yourself in that memory and look around the gaming table... Can't you go around the table and assign a number to each person based on when they'll act in the turn? I sure could. There's always the one guy who absolutely /always/ goes first. Another who's almost always second. A couple people who trade-off occasionally with 3rd and 4th and then there's always the poor fool who goes dead last. Every turn, this is the case. So, yeah, I admit it's an extremely moot point at best. But, still...
  3. One of the very few 'hiccups' that I've seen in the ultra-coolness that is the Hero system is the way actions and initiative are arranged... Has anyone ever come up with a way to HR it and randomize initiative a little bit? Or at least, does anyone have a cool contextual explanation of the theory behind this method that could settle me into a little more comfort with this? Part of me looks at it and seems to understand, given all the dimensions and conditions that can exist in combat, that the system as is, is perfectly fine. But, another part of me can't seem to let go of the nagging feeling that there's a big hole in my game where the statement "Roll Initiative" used to be.
  4. Re: HERO 5th Revised Oh. Well, if that's all it is, I'm not concerned. Anybody know when DoJ is going to be doing another print run? I've ordered from them in the past without getting e-screwed on quality or whatnot, and I'd like to stick with them.
  5. Re: HERO 5th Revised Something's wrong with the paper? Haven't bought it yet, cause they (DoJ) seem to be all out and my local retailer doesn't carry it. But, I'm giving it serious thought, if and when I can find it anywhere. What's wrong with the paper? Is it the same as the paper in FREd?
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