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    feralucce got a reaction from New Hero in Quote of the Week from my gaming group...   
    Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...
    Father the death of the braincase ship, Tyria, the crew has stumbled across a previously unknown lab on their home-base. In the lab, they found an experiment of Tyria's - a transfer of her neural net into a holographic memory matrix. They install the back up into a security drone... (a nearly impossible task, but on a roll of 3, what are you going to do?) they brief her in the events of her death. A month later, the crew find Tyria in her quarters, weeping.
    Tyria: I am dead.
    Isune: not so much. I mean, you're right hear, talking to us.
    Tyria: it's different.
    Milli: of course it is. We're here for you, we'll help you through this transition.
    Tyria: I don't think you can comprehend what's happening. I am... Not me. I am a recording - a simulation. I can feel the mathematics driving my mind. I can feel the fact that nothing that I am feeling is anything more than a simulation. I'm not real.
    Milli: I don't think that's...
    Tyria: (interupting) you are not in here, you don't know. You once you would do anything for me.
    Milli: I meant it then and it still stands.
    Tyria: then help me end this. Shut me down and dedstroy this... This thing I've become.
    Milli: as you wish.
    The goup gathers and holds a ceremony (as is fitting for a character that has been played for 13 years). At the end of the ceremony, everyone is hugging and weeping before they pull the plug.
    Tyria: i want to cry, but there doesn't seem to be an algorithm for tears. Please, just end it now.
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    feralucce got a reaction from New Hero in Quote of the Week from my gaming group...   
    Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...
    Star hero game.
    Brief backstory: through sabotage, the corvette Sun Descending is suffering a critical reactor failure. The PCs have limited options. They can fly the ship as far out of atmo as they can (which will not be far enough, killing 10% of the planet's population) or someone will have to sacrifice themselves. It comes down to Millicent (xeno-archeologist) and Maxmillion (geni-mod super human).
    Max: go, milli!
    Milli: nothing doing!
    Max: don't be stubborn.
    Milli: I'm not being stubborn.
    Max: that exactly what you are doing.
    Milli: look, can you fly this thing?
    Max: (swallowing hard) no.
    Milli: then it has to be me.
    Max: fine, I'll run sensors.
    Milli turns to head to ops and Max knocks her unconscious with a blow from behind.
    Max: I'm sorry.
    Max leaves Milli in the hall and heads for the engine room. He enters the radiation filled compartment and disables the reactors, saving everyone, a la wrath of Kahn. He manages to get milli onto an escape pod and to safety (the reactors offline killed life-support) before succumbing to the rad poisoning. Milli regains consciousness before he does.
    Milli: oh, max.... No no no!
    Max: it's alright. I've had worse.
    Milli: (yelling at him) what the he'll? We have most of them safe!
    Max: it's not about that.
    Milli: 9 billion lives saved, max!
    Max: (coughing hard) Milli, we would have died, too.
    Milli: I know! It had to be done.
    Max: no.
    Milli: don't give me that "the lives of the many and few" bs from star trek! It was trite then, it's trite now!
    Max: I don't care if it was 9 or 10 billion lives, all that...
    Milli: (interrupting) that's a hell of a thing for a hero to say!
    Max: milli... It wasn't about them. It was about you. As long as you are safe, my life was not given in vain.
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    feralucce got a reaction from New Hero in Quote of the Week from my gaming group...   
    Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...
    Somewhere around page 210 I think, someone complained that the quotes were all funny and there should be some awesome quotes in here... So I gathered up my notes from 25 years of gaming (which is all the way back to junior high) and thought I would share some... Each does require a teeny bit of background, but I hope you can forgive that. I will post them one at a time to avoid backstory overload.
    The PCs were on brain-case ship. Think terminally ill human voulenteering to become a ship AI. Near the end of the campaign, the rest of the PCs cared deeply for her. Due to a series of phenomenally bad decisions, they have ended up at the ass end of the universe with a dreadnaught bearing down on them. The PCs have manned the fighters and launched, only to find that the nav systems are all locked on their home and the overrides destroyed.*
    Janik: Isis. What the hell are you doin?!
    Isis: I am overloading the reactors and cramming them down their throats. In short, ending this once and for all.
    Davies: you can't do this!
    Isis: if you stay, you all die.
    Janik: if you do this, you'll take them out, but you'll die, too!
    Isis: I've already died once. It's not so bad. Go. Live your lives, mine ends the way I want it to, in an act of love and defiance. Never forget that.. I love you all.
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    feralucce got a reaction from New Hero in Quote of the Week from my gaming group...   
    Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...
    More quotes from the quantum engineer.(Half gadgeteer, half Mage, and half psion)
    "I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant."
    "Have you heard that entropy isn't what it used to be?"
    During an encounter with a Confederation of Known Worlds security patrol. The following is a commentary on the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.
    Security Officer: "Do you know how fast you were going?"
    Isunne: "No, but I know where I am."
    A conversation between Isunne and Tyria, the ship's A.I. Core.
    Isunne:How many theoretical physicists specializing in general relativity does it take to change a light bulb?
    Tyria: in spite of the fact that I suspect that I do not want to know. How many?
    Isunne: Two. One to hold the bulb and one to rotate the universe.
    Isunne: Does a radioactive cat have 18 half-lives?
    Isunne is dancing through the ship chanting to himself.
    Mariko: what ARE you singing?
    Isunne (reciting a limerick)
    There was an old lady called Wright
    who could travel much faster than light.
    She departed one day
    in a relative way
    and returned on the previous night.
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    feralucce got a reaction from New Hero in Quote of the Week from my gaming group...   
    Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...
    Sorry... Thread derail...
    Pulp HERO with heavy cthuloid presence...
    "Timber... Men in black trench coats don't go 'squish'"
    Frank has been exposed to no less than 6 mythos images this evening and is on his way to a permanent stay in the loonie bin. (all through his own doing)
    Jeff: Frank, I hate to tell you... Those aren't chicken thieves?
    Frank: what are they?
    Jeff: from here, I can't be absolutely certain, but they look a lot like deep ones.
    Frank: and what are they doing?
    Jeff: they appear to be eating chickens.
    Frank: did they PAY for them?
    Jeff: god, I hate you
    when dealing with a midget psychic.
    "Hey, did you hear? There's a small medium at large!?"
    The same night, they are at the diner and they stumble across the very target of their search (said mystic).
    Waitress: what will you have, Hun?
    Small medium: bring me a triple with a double order of fries and the biggest coke you have. I'm famished!
    Timber: small medium at large... Super size me?
    The adventurers find a scroll case. Timber goes to open it. Hoshi, a self styled Chinese American "samurai" and Frank, the chicken farmer are present.
    Timber: this kinda makes me feel funny.
    Frank: good funny, or bad funny?
    Timber: kinda like I need mental floss.
    Timber: so... Either of you guys ever heard of this hastur guy? *pointing a spot in the scroll*
    Frank and Hoshi look at each other for a moment...
    Hoshi: I fall on my sword.
    Frank: ya, know what? I fall on his sword, too.
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