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Roger Books

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Posts posted by Roger Books

  1. Re: Thoughts on Shields


    I'm going to assume this point is fairly accurate in that the shields given in Fantasy HERO are flat-bodied shields not designed for attacking with, and what I probably need to do is design a different shield which takes that hard metal bit in the center (anybody got a better name for it?) into account.


    I believe it is called a "boss".



  2. I'm making a character who has been trained by the city militia to fight with a Short Sword and Shield. He gets 2 levels with SS, OCV only, and 2 with Shield, again OCV.


    He has a CV of say 3.


    He wants to do a shield block and swing his SS. Do the two weapons penalties apply? Does he roll with a CV of 7? 3 base + 2 shield + 2 levels. While blocking I assume he doesn't get the 2 DCV for shield and cannot contribute to a shield wall. Can he receive benefits from the shield wall?


    I realize I can house rule it, but I'd like to know the base before house rules.





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