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About Ken

  • Birthday 05/08/1962

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    Mask Designer for Microprocessors

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  1. Re: I don't understand Hallucination Spray Thanks for all the responses. It makes a lot more sense now. I went back and re-read the power. Even found the section that describes how an instant on, continuing-effect Mental Power works. I must say that without the fine description you all provided, I would've still questioned the "Duration: Instant" in the header for Mental Illusions. In my re-reading I noted that taking the "Based on CON" should've stated what defense to use (PD or ED). Since once its chosen, it can't be changed. So in game terms this should be a normal attack roll and defense subtracting from the effect roll. Then CON rolls for breakout at the normal stepping down the time chart. The GM is left with coming up with a random illusion, that may at times be "scary". In our game, in a theoritcal situation it should go like this: Mirage rolls an attack roll against Player1 11 + (7 OCV + 2 SL) - (8 DCV + 4 CSL) - 0 for range = 8 or less chance to hit If she hits, roll 20d6 for effect; average roll would be 70 - (21 PD) = 49 Player1 has a 20 CON; making the average effect for this character CON + 29 Now here's where it gets sticky for me. There is suppose to be a stated effect the attacker is trying to do. With the No Conscious Control though, the GM has to randomly decide what the effect would be trying to achieve? This is needed to understand if the effect, affects target. Is it trying to do a CON+30 every time? Of course that decision affects the penalty the target gets for the breakout roll too. Sorry, but I love picking apart powers sometimes. Helps me understand the game rules. Ken
  2. I don't understand some of the aspects of the Hallucination Spray from the villain named Mirage (pg179) in the Conquerors, Killers and Crooks book. This is the power: Mental Illusions 20d6; IIF, Based on CON, Does Not Provide Mental Awareness, No Conscious Control, Normal Limited Range, 8 Charges In the Powers/Tactics section of the write up it says, "It causes the victum to experience vivid, and often terrifying, hallucinations...". Now for the questions: 1. Mental Illusions is an instant duration power. So the victim just gets a brief hallucination? What good does that do? 2. To me, it seems cheezy to buy No Conscious Control and say it will "often" cause terrifying hallucinations. Wouldn't those typically tap into a characters disadvantages? If that's the case, isn't that just a way to take advantage of a weakness? Sort of like saying this illusion acts as if it were damage that targets your vulnerabilities, without having to know what they are? 3. How would you discribe this effect to the player? 4. If this were bought with continuing charges, like I believe it should be, what would be the game play consequences of being hit with this? Would the player be out of the encounter until they were able to make the breakout roll? What if they were hit by one of the other villians in the encounter? Sorry if this has been asked before. I did do a search Ken
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