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Posts posted by Shubbie

  1. Re: Kill the PCs?


    Knocking a character into a hospital for an adventure or two.. very much in genre..

    Falling off a cliff to certain death only to return later.. very in genre..


    Actual deaths of superhero's is so rare and genre breaking that it shouldnt be done unless you are playing a lethal style dark champions, not a real 4 color campaign.


    I mean you can count on two hands the amount of real superhero deaths there have been. Im not counting independants or mature titles like rising stars, since they have high body counts at times which is fine if you are playing that style

  2. Re: Focus = Too Great a Price Break?


    The problem with adjusting the costs for that is then everyone will switch their limitations from focus to restrainable or only in hero id. Then you have to adjust those costs.


    You could easily wind up with cascade changes.


    Im assuming you are going to do this at the start of a new campaign not in the middle, if I wanted a focus and you halved the cost I would just switch to restrainable as its -1/2 and gives a similiar effect of OIF.


    The problems with focus, seem to happen when one of two things happen.

    A character takes a ton of focuses, not one big focus, this makes it hard for a gm to take them away since they are all individual (yeah ive done this)


    Or alot of characters all take foci making it hard for a gm to take away foci as they would have to spend every adventure just taking away foci and you cant really do an astral type since the party could easily be too weak with no foci.


    Its a problem but its not worth changing the cost and causing more problems.

  3. Re: What's the most ridiculous PC you've ever been subjected to?


    Well I have a bit of a story and this was a mostly serious game with a little silliness from time to time. Well I was playing a martial/brick a white werelion. (really long strange story), named Erika and she was fairly powerful but not too overwhelming and the gm wanted to give her a challenge so made a speed brick villlain who specialized in move throughs named locomotive. Well I started loosing it as soon as I saw him.


    He had a cowcatcher skirt/kilt thing, and his battle cry was "get ready to get hit by a locomotive" and decided to take Erika out fast so charged, being a martial brick I just aborted to a martial dodge. Well the funny part of this is the battle was on the 30th floor of tech office building.. well he went steaming out the window of the office building.. when we finnished laughing.. we figured out he had enough speed to blow through the window of the next office building over.. and out that window too..


    My Character being a bit of a goof too, decided this was way too amusing to pas up and jumped after him.. well the battle ended with her raining office furniture down on him..


    I dont know if this was silly character, silly situation or silly players or all three but it was funny as heck.

  4. Re: Crowd control overpowering game


    The mental entangel was actually a villian, it just got me looking at using my own normal entangle more.


    I started picking out martial and device using villains and targeting them with it since they often had trouble breaking them. This is a normal 60 point entagle defense and such.


    It started getting fights to be very short as their teamates had to start using their actions to break out others. Im a little worried seeing how effective this was. I cant imagine how everyone wouldnt want to put an entangle and flash in their mutlipower.


    What I will admit is that entangle is a very very common power in comics. I mean look at static shock, both Static and Gear both use entangles alot and in a multipower pool. Though static's has a limitation requires scrap metal. He even has a flash

  5. Has anyone else encountered a situation where crowd control powers Entanfles/flashes completly dominates the play conditions. There was a scenario where a psi used an entangle based on ecv. This pretty much got all the party members but 2. We couldnt even figure out if an ego blast would break it. That's not actually the point of this though.


    After that I began looking at Entangles in general and flashes, a standard 60 point entangle will stop indefinatly anyone with under a 30 str. This seems a little overpowering as you could basicly put a team with only 1 or 2 high str characters trying to spend their actions just breaking people out.


    Flashes are bad too but not as bad as its not too exepensive and not out of character for people to put on hi tech sunglasses if they are getting flashed every adventure, while just adding 20 str to a weak character seems a little silly.


    How do you keep crowd control powers from dominating play? Do you just limit entangles to only 1 or 2 characters per group?


    Now you might say its 60 points thats expensive for something that doesnt always work, but as we all know its REALLY easy to come up with a character with an entangle in a multipower and then it only costs you 6 or even less if there are limits.


    Thanks in advance for any advice.

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