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Status Updates posted by steriaca

  1. Cable seems to be off since yesterday night. Fortunately I have a digital ready TV, but it could only get 7 channels with the cable attached to it, and none without the cable (if this keeps up, I'm going to buy an attenia).

  2. The question "Does Obama hate America" is extremely racist and stupid. It assumes that Black people can't be patriotic. Also, why assume that he doesn't love America? He ran and won for President, twice. He must love his country to even run for the position.

  3. Still waiting for my state tax refund. sigh.

  4. Fudge. Wallgreens sold out of handwarmers, and Family Dollar doesn't carry them at all. I had to go to Mobile gas station, and that cost me $2.10 per pair. I had to break down and buy it, but since it is expensive, I should only open them tomorrow.

  5. Well, reminds me of the valentines I bought during the DiC years. Notice that their is no one for cape boy...

  6. Happy Birthday to Teh Ebil Bunneh.

  7. Somehow I get the impression that all Muslim Extremeist are all babies who throw temper tantrums cause they cannot get their way. Only thing is, a babies tantrum never kills others.

  8. Do you got a friend who texts to much, when you would rather get a phone CALL from them? Replying with the number pad setup is rather hard, and I don't own a smartphone.

  9. After Thanksgiving blues. Waiting for my paycheck.

  10. In times of sorrow, sometimes all you can do is Keep Calm And Carry On.

  11. I finally got a some rabbit ears for my TV set. Goodbye Time Warner Cable. We can live without you. (Now to find two digital tuners for my stepfather's sets, so he doesn't go without)

  12. So, now that Walker has won, what's next? No minimum wage raise in the state level, and going to court if the feds raise it. Get your bags packed, people. Your going to need them if other states raise them and you want to work.

  13. I can't believe I had to reregister to vote. This is about the fifth time this year. #raisethewage #dethronekingwalker

  14. Cool. Got a free cone from Culver's for signing on to A-Blast free wi-fi at the Shops of Grand Avenue.

  15. (Deepn Breath). Ok. I'm still thinking of other internet providers (surfing at Mcdonald's is odd). I know one thing...it will be a long time till I finally get it. I need to get boots for winter, and thick winter gloves also. Then their is Christmas. So I'm thinking home internet by January or February (about tax time). I have no ideal why I am updating for whoever folloes me. Not like it is anyone's business but myself and my family.

  16. Well, it is Saturday and internet still excapes me. I think I should look for providers other than Time-Warner Cable for internet.

  17. Anyways, I got net in my name yesterday (it will be installed next Friday). I hope I didn't give the impression that my stepfather is evil. I just had to vent my fealings. I understood the reason why. It just...stinged...thats all.

  18. I feal betraied by my stepfather. He turned off the internet at home. I live with him to help us both make ends meet, and roleplaying on Fanfiction.net is my only sollace from a hard days work since the death of my mother. To make maters worse, if it wasen't for roleplaying over at Fanfiction.net, I woulden't care.My problem is, I had to turn to Fanfiction.net to find people who could understand me, instead of haveing a real flesh and blood person at home who does, or at least trys. When wa...

  19. Is it just me, or does it seem that with this update to the #Nintendo3DS, that the #NintendoZone stoped working?

  20. Trickle up theory works for all. Trickle down theory only works for the rich. #raisethewage

  21. Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the malice and snares of the devil.May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls, Amen.

  22. Trickel Up theory: The radical ideal that, if the providers of jobs give their workers more money, that the workers will spend that money, causing the economy to rise, give the jobs more money, increase business, and cause the employers to hier more workers, cause they need them. Right now, the only way to do this is to increase the minimum wage (because the employers will not do this to even save their lives, cause they benifet from Trickle Down.)Feal free to share it and like it.

  23. What happen to the "The Bodycount Continues" group?

  24. Queen Nightmara is on her way to being finished.

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