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Everything posted by HG3

  1. Re: Adventure Seeds--Title Tag "How's the squid today?": Rice Dreams (A new sushi / hibachi restaurant) opens in Campaign City - not the first of it's kind, but definately the nicest looking and the highest rated in Campaign City's Fine Dining Guide. Business is good at first, but as the people of Campaign City are [unimpressive NPCs], they are easily impressed by new restaurants and their constant flow of business is interrupted by a new restaurant (Pigs in a Blanket -- only sells corndog nuggets, peas, and cherry slushees -- but the place is packed everyday!). Luckily for Rice Dreams, the people of Campaign City are in for a huge taste treat when they import a whole new team of chefs from an undisclosed location, and they bring with them a whole new list of recipes and business jumps back up. Their new hit dish is a beef-based dish that is marinated in some sort of sauce that makes the meat tender and sweet, and the people of Campaign City can't get enough. However, in a "completely unconnected" situation, the homeless population of campaign city is decreasing at an amazing rate... maybe the mayor is doing a great job at lowering the unemployment rate? Hmm... "Memories of the Minotaur" "A Day in the Life of (Hero or Hero Group name)" "As Seen on TV!"
  2. Re: Adventure Seeds--Title Tag "Psych Out!!!": The skies of Campaign City darken as dark ominous clouds form overhead. After a night of intense storms, the dawn brings a few new developments - a thin grey mist fills the city, any EGO-based powers are half as effective, and numerous four-story high black obelisks have been erected all over the city. Why are they there? Why are only mental powers effected? And, what connection does all this have with the storms? "By the Light of the Silvery Doom" "Werewolves of New London" "15 Minutes... Or It's Free!"
  3. Re: Adventure Seeds--Title Tag "Penny for your Thoughts" - An upstart company arrives in the Campaign City, claiming to be the future of mind-controlled machinery. Offering people a small fee for a weekend of time to test a new product, MentalTech then hooks up their volunteers up to their test machinery which monitors their brain waves while they drive remote control cars around a course. After a few weeks of testing, MentalTech closes it's doors due to lack of funding. A few months later, many people in Campaign City begin acting bizarrely, you know... forgetting people they knew, walking around aimlessly, eating the flesh of others... Oh, and first-time poster. Hi. "Of Mice and Mole-Men" "Tuxedo Mirage" "50,000 Elvis Fans Can't be Wrong...can they?"
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