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Everything posted by courtassassin

  1. Re: Two Weapon Fighting yes but its positive bonuses "stack" making the "multiple AP attacks" even more of a potential abuse situation.
  2. Re: Two Weapon Fighting I apologize if this seems to be hi-jacking this thread but I see the whole problem as "getting to attack with multiple AP attacks in a single phase" which is what IMO this thread started with. Yes, that is the logic that "they can only be used seperately", but that is only a disadvantage when it comes to non-attack powers, lets say a Teleport with an associated flash. At BEST it is a Zero "advantage" to Link lets say an Entangle with a Drain. You trying to tell me there are times when I might just want to do 1? How many are those compared to the advantage of getting to do both? Back in 4th Linked was the only way to simulate Multi-Attack etc. So you are telling me that Linking two attack powers is worth a -1/2 when by doing this you are getting to avoid having to pay the Multi-Attack penalty. Basically, my post is about that the whole Two Weapon/Sweep/Rapid Fire/Multi-Power Attack/Link is a potential GM nightmare as it is hard to tell someone "no" when it is in print that they "can" and that it is even backed up by a good character reason to have it. My idea was that Linking attack powers, becomes more balanced (considering Multi-Powered Attacks in 5th) by becoming a disadvantage of around +1/2 or +3/4.
  3. Re: Two Weapon Fighting Our old gaming group just decided to start Champions (Dark champions this time) it has been like 15 years since anyone played (3rd and 4th editions). This has been the #1 focus of confusion and potential rules lawyering (how nothing seems to change) Two Weapon Fighting STACKS with Sweep, Rapid Fire, and potentially Multi-Power Attack. It is a talent (or skill can't remember off the top of my head) and sweep, rapid fire, and Multi-power attack are combat maneuvers. So now where does Linked come into play? So basically it is a EASY way to totally blow away the AP concept. Why is Linked a Disadvantage anymore!?! It is easily an ADVANTAGE of at least 1/2 because you can attack with two max AP attacks and bypass the disadvantages of the Sweep, Rapid Fire, or Multi-Power Attack. Or worse you can buy two weapon fighting and each "weapon" is a linked max AP attack, buy some OCV levels, and perform Sweeps every combat. Or lets hope that the attacks are not autofire's and you also bought the Rapid Auto fire Skill and now you are getting a ridiculous amount of attacks per round. And if you are doing this with a weapon and/or martial maneuvers you are only paying END for the basic STR (1 maybe 2 points), which used to be a balancing factor on Autofire/multiple attack powers. Not saying that each individual piece is broken, but when you start stacking things it gets WAY out of hand. (and remember the lack of defenses in Dark Champions to boot)
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