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  1. Re: newbie - thinkin of getting these rules wow, thanks to all who responded and thanks for all those great links first off, this is mainly for my wife and I - i talked to her last night and she said the rpging sounds interesting and that she is into crime solving, court room drama, etc - were both into law and order anyway i went and took the big plunge and bought the 5er big book - since i figured if i buy the sidekick then i would probably just want the big book anywho and then id have more money in it that if i just would've bought the big book to begin with and that why i did i will be the gm and my wife the player/adventurer - ill start off with something real simple and go from there thanks again.
  2. i have been reading that these rules are genre open? like i could do fantasy then do modern ops (swat team/hostages, etc) ?? from what ive been reading it sounds like a steep learning curve i want to be able to get my wife into gaming and she like Grisham novels and fantasy books like Chronicles of Narnia would the hero system work? thanks
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