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Posts posted by lunahq7

  1. Re: Power Defence... Ugg


    The cop out is that the power can not be used as written without modifires. PD works against everything that does kinetic damage and it isn't hard to imagine how that works. ED protects from all energy types, and that really isn't too hard to figure out either (Insulation works). Mental D covers attacks and effects on the mind. All three are pretty simple, but Power D really doesn't make sence the way the other defences do.


    The thing here is that yes, while HERO can be quite open-ended, the gate-keeper, so to speak, is the GM, who can write the campaign rulebook to allow or disallow certain things. ANY system can be abused if people want to...a friend of mine had a AD&D campaign where people had around an 80+ armor class, and stats into the 50s, because he allowed the combination of rules to allow it to happen.


    So, once again, I would go with the advice I have seen on this topic...that you as the GM can set whatever limits you wish on the powers.


    John B.

  2. ^.^


    Just out of curiosity, I would like to see how some AD&D (3ed) characters look in HERO. Has anyone done a d20 system conversion to HERO that could be used? *It'd be interesting to put player heros up against their own AD&D characters...*


    John B.

  3. ^.^


    I believe the official line is "keep it to yourself."


    DOJ basically allows people to post their own original characters, but I'd think they'd want to reserve the rights on old official HERO releases in the case that they'd want to republish them at a later date.


    John B.

  4. ^.^


    I have the opposite problem. I have a couple of players that ran GURPS characters that were equivalent to 150-200 point characters in a 300-350 pt campaign (after I converted them to HERO 5th Ed).


    So, I am considering dropping the low-ball characters in a vat of acid teeming with radioactive spiders...


    John B.

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