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Burning Chrome

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Posts posted by Burning Chrome

  1. Re: "Hudson City" like graphic novels


    I've been a fan of the Tim Burton movie Barman since it first was in theatres. Keaton was quite convincing as a man with two personalities and all the conflict that entails. The other Batman films, while still entertaining and visually interesting, lacked the grim feeling I got from the first one.


    Funny someone should mention the Dark Knight Returns. I actually picked it up on Friday and spent the weekend reading about 2/3 of it. It is very much the style I was looking for. I'm still looking for the Year One compilation mentioned earlier, I found it online but not locally yet. I just got my shipment from HERO monday so I've got several "inches" of material to read now.


    As a side question since I'm completely new to the HERO system how much of what section of the 5th ed rev rulebook should I read before digging into the Dark Champions and Hudson City books? I've played and run RPGs since the early 80's from nearly every line TSR, ICE, GDW, WoTC, WW, FASA, etc so I'm used to the learning curve with new material. However since this system is so modular I'm not sure exactly how to approach the 500+ page monster core book yet as I've only breezed through it to see how it was organized. I want to avoid becoming overloaded with optional systems while trying to sort out the main rules. Are certain chapters considered rules with others more considered reference? The powers sections looks enormous but seems at a glance alot like spell listings from other games, i.e. mainly reference.


    The DC and Hudson City books look like juicy reads but until I understand the common notations I'd only be able to grasp the flavor stuff I'm afraid. The core book looks pretty dry but I read longer and more obscure books while getting my engineering degree so if a complete read is recommended I'm not opposed to it, just want to make sure I'm not going about it the wrong way.

  2. Re: "Hudson City" like graphic novels


    I saw Sin City in the theatre and it was intense. Frank Miller seems to be a recurring theme in the suggestions so I'll definately have to take a look at the other Sin City titles (are there more than the three from the film?). I didn't realize Miller also did several Batman titles I'll definately have to pick those up. Batman seems to frequent the seedier side of Gotham so I'm sure they'd be of interest.


    Any particular Sleeper or is the whole series a good read?


    I'm jotting down the other suggestions to fill my reading list. I'm just waiting for the Dark Champions and Hudson City books to arrive from UPS and looking for some advance "mood reading" since it looks like it'll be monday before they show.

  3. I'm curious what comic/graphic novels people feel capture some of the Hudson City "flavor". I've never been into reading comics having only read DC Comic's "The Watchmen". I'm looking for some suggestions on titles that might serve to get a GM in the Dark Champions/Hudson City mood. I assume Gotham would serve as a good source of inspiration but I have a tough time deciding which comic/graphic novel set in Gotham would cover the less "superhero" aspects of the city just from the listings on DC Comics website.


    Any suggestions?

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