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About MadDogMike

  • Birthday 07/01/1976

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  1. OK, question for the great HERO system grognards. I've been trying to come up with a Base device that would basically launch a person to a target location (i.e. "Oh no, they're robbing the bank!" *hop in launcher, get sent to bank, save day!... walk home*). I figure you could use a similar setup to reflect something like a Warhammer 40k drop pod as well. Making an actual pod vehicle seemed like overkill (the only real effect I want is "go from here to there"), but I'm not sure what the appropriate movement power would be. Teleportation (with "pass through intervening space") kinda fits, but the problem is travel is instantaneous with teleport as far as I can tell. Would Leaping be a better fit? A few other minor points: I know with Teleportation at least you need to perceive the target you're going to at the start (can't remember if Leaping is same way or if you can just say "leap to X area"). Assuming you do need some sort of targeting ability, how would you build it? I don't really want to have the setup be "scan the location then deploy", more "I want to go to X general location" (being forced to drop into the location blind is half the fun after all compared to a Star Trek transporter! ). Make a specific Detect Target Location sense? Requires a Power skill/Area Knowledge roll? Usable on Others, or Usable as Attack? I was presuming Usable as Attack to permit the appropriate dramatic "get off my ship! *push enemy into pod and launch*" trick.
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