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Everything posted by irondawn

  1. Thanks so much for answering!! Can you explain what I am to do with all the junk my characters accumulate. I don't understand all this about modifying or "mods", fusion, catalysts, upgrades, crafting, etc. Where does it say on my character if I have any skills to do all this?
  2. Hi everyone, I wonder if anyone would be kind enough to help me out? I'm just an old pen and paper gamer with very little computer experience. I'm from the bay area and started playing Champions at conventions when it first came out but Champions has NEVER been very user friendly. Its seems like it is a game by computer geeks for other computer geeks but I'm just a humble English major who loves comics. Still a major geek but technology has always been my enemy. Well then a friend showed me Champions Online and I KNEW I had to play it! I have never played a computer game of any kind before (except for a few hour of Call of Cthulhu: Ends of the Earth) and I had to save up for a new computer that can handle playing CO. I've been having fun making characters and have done a few missions but my love/hate relationship with Hero Games continues in this new format. I avail myself to in-game help and the Champions Online wiki but it does not always help me. It does not seen to be written in English but in some kind a unintelligible technical MMORPG jargon that makes no sense to a Ludite like myself (not to mention typos and errors). I tried to ask questions on the in-game forum but it keeps telling me I can't post yet for a period of time but does not tell me how long I need to wait. I am SO frustrated!!! I just need to find a human being who knows the game well and is patient and can explain certain aspects of the game to me in basic easy to understand English. Is there anyone out there who can help me? Please???!
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