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  1. So last night in our superhero game... The hero known as collateral damage decided to step in front of a fleeing SUV filled with bad guys. He wanted to stop them by acting as a wall. The question that came from this is... Does a vehicle in motion, upon hitting a character (regardless of whether they want it to or not) count as a normal attack or a killing attack for the purposes of determining damage? We looked in the books, but couldn't find an answer. Much appreciation to any help offered. He really wants to know if it would have hurt him. He's testing his boundries.
  2. Re: Gadgeteering query Thank you all for the great advice and ideas. This disscussion has helped myself and the player in question come to a better understanding of how her character can be effective and helpful without over-balancing the game. Thanks for the help.
  3. Re: Gadgeteering query Actually the 5 - 1 ratio discount was if the "item" would cost 30 points normally, the PC that the item is being made for would pay 6 points instead of the 30. The gadgeteer PC would only be taking the time and making the rolls to successfully create the item. I wanted the other PC's to have to pay a cost, not just her.
  4. So here's the deal... I have a really good gamer in my group, and we have just started playing a champions-esque game. All of the players are new to the system, but only she tosses me questions that make me go "Wha-huh?". The question is, if she has her gadgeteer make stuf for herself using her Gadget pool, items are cheap in points for her. Why is it then if she wants to make a gadget for someone else in the group to use they have to pay the full cost? I have tried to explain balance issues, and while she is understanding of a need for game balance, she still feels that it limits her capabilities of being a useful gadgeteer to the group if in the end she is only making stuff for herself (since the cost for items she makes is to prohibitive to other members of the group). Is there a way to do this selfless act, and give the group members a discount? I have been looking at offering a 5 - 1 discount, but only if the oyther players realize that if they "lose" the item, it will take time for her to make another one for them. Only she asks the hard questions... sigh. Thanks
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