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Posts posted by adidamps2

  1. Re: 3 Names required - Help!


    for the boomerang guy :


    slap shot

    the Australian??? i think its hit or miss with some of these names for me...:no:


    retro hit


    hell you could just call him "boomerrang"


    i found these terms on a web page from the history of the boomerang


    clava,ae f.:is a stick provided with a thick upper or lower ending (a throwing club)

    cateia,ae f.: (celtic word) is a kind of throwing club of the Gauls and the Germanics (quotation from Engl. translation/comment OLD: "a curved missile weapon - perhaps a boomerang"/ Langenscheidt Dictionary: "a kind of boomerang")

    caia,ae f.: a "club", a "cudgel", rarely used word (verified in Isodorus)

    the use of one of those three words with some other pre or suffix added to them (ie, caia man) :think:

    maybe not, thought it might help though.


    aussie tossie???:lol: not really but sound fun at the time to type


    thats all i got for the boomerang guy...


    American Archer: USArrow?

    i second this one for the us archer type...

  2. Re: Your favorite Archetype examples in super hero comics


    Super hero/villain favorites


    Brick = hulk, colossus, juggernaut, thanos

    Energy Projector = havoc, Cyclops, superman

    Gadgeteer = batman

    Martial Artist = batman, wolverine

    Mentalist = professor x, magneto???

    Metamorph = none off hand I can think of that I liked all to well

    Mystic = adam warlock, dr strange

    Patriot = capt america, us agent, superman

    Powered Armor = guyvor (sp.) not sure if this suit counts but I thought it was neat, ironman

    Speedster = silversurfer, superman

    Weapons Master = Elektra and her sia’s


    Was really unsure as were to place magneto in my list…I was thinking mentalist????

  3. Re: solo play???


    DR. A--thanks a lot and those were some great tips..and a lot to concider..


    gojira--although the thought of PBEM sounds like fun i dont think the wife would be down for that...and the thought of me "spending more damn time on the computer" wouldnt go over well with her either...lol but thanks for the invite...an option i'll keep open to but not a way i want to go just yet.

  4. ok do to moving and the inability to find any decent players in my area (i cant seem to find any rpg shops here) and the fact that no one were i work is remotely interested in rpg's i am left to with my spouse to play. so i was wondering how i should go about having her create her character?


    a few more pts for creation or should i just scale down the adventures for her.

    i also gave thought to building a character my self to help out. a weaker sidekick of sorts, or should i just let her run her character solo and focus more on the advertures a solo hero would encounter?


    my thought for the setting would put her in a time comparable to ours, with supers being realativaly (sp) new to the world...:think:


    any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.

  5. Re: money vs points


    ok ok...so money in champions is more of a ROLEPLAYING device than anything else...although its not neccesary as far as "buying" stuff, it helps flesh out characters and explain other certain aspects of the game...so i shouldn't think so literal of it...so even though my SV can buy everything he needs with points he still needs "money" to fund his hench men and run his super secret hidden base. am i at least on the right track here...lol also i greatly appreciate the timely answering here..i think of all the forum i've visted and been a member of this has to be the most active and fasting reponding forum i have ever seen..so thanks a lot guys...

  6. Re: money vs points


    ahhh..ok i think i get it? so it to justify some things (powers or gadgets for powers) and still has some real world uses, like the flight you used for example..but you couldn't use it buy say....a M-16..right..also what about the second part of my question...poimts and the loss of an item you created with points??? i'll still use batman here...its obviuse he doesnt have an endless supply of character points, so if batman's batmobile is destroyed, could he repurchase it with his "money" or does he have to save up points and recreate it that way??

  7. :help: ok..im new to champions and hero system..but my question is whats the point of money if you have to buy everything with points? and how does money fit into a super world?

    ie. like batman..how would you build him..hes a mill..er billio..umm really rich right...so all his "wonderful toys" are bought with money, but in champions you would buy it all with points right????

    i just want to get a grasp on the differnce between money and points.


    also: if your super vilion creates a super item and heros destroy it..does that SV lose those points??? or does he keep the points but loses the item???


    i know these may seem trivial..but when your use to gaming in D&D and shadow run this is a lil differnt over here in hero....

    and if these answers are in the rules book, there not clearly stated to me:confused: ..so i would appreciate all the help you guys can throw at me..

  8. Re: Super Names


    i have a newbie question..here as i look through this thread i notice a lot of ppl looking at the full list of names.....but umm..were can one view this list or do only a few pll have access to it? i have looked through here and do not see a link or anyting that says were it is located...thanks guys

  9. Re: New to Champions and the Hero system...


    hi guys..a newbie to hero system and champions also..i was about to post a thread quit similar to this but thought i'd do a search first...i have to say this is the best thread a newbie could read. very imformative and thorough on what newbie need and could use after they become familiar with the system..i don't know if this site does stickies or not but if it does i would deffinetly recomemnd that this on get stickied to the forum. thanks for all the help..

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