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Posts posted by Blacktiger

  1. Re: What fundamental thing would you change about the Hero system?


    Ok, so I only got to page 4 before I gave up on trying to read this entire thread... so if I repeat anything said previously sorry.

    Figured Characteristics

    I've noticed a lot of people seem to think figured characteristics need to be changed somehow. I think the only way I would change them, is to make them a static number based off of the primary characteristics. Obviously this would make some characters like speedsters impossible, but remember that a speedster's speed is their POWER. So if a character wants to increase a figured characteristic beyond the normal limit they would buy a power to represent that.


    This would make creating a character easier for newcomers I think since they don't have to worry about as many characteristics. Not to mention that it makes more sense to look for a power to increase a characters stats beyond normal.


    I would make speed be not only a function of dexterity, but also of strength since a fast runner has to train their leg muscles not only to respond quickly but also to push harder.


    I would make STUN and BODY both be figured characteristics, with skills and powers to increase these. For example, someone who has had a lot of combat training should probably be able to take more damage.



    Combat damage seems a bit more complicated than necessary as well. Powers, weapons, and HTH damage should still be based on the standard 3d6 roll with the damage increased by multipliers. This way you avoid having to roll 8 million dice for Superman. ;) This also maintains the bell curve probability instead of smoothing it out into a more linear curve. That way critically high and low damage rolls are more rare.


    One Last Thing...

    Maybe I just don't understand the system well enough yet, but combat skill levels seem wildly over-powerful. Buying say 10 +8 CSLs pretty much guarantees that your character can't be hit and can hit anyone. All you have to do is use just enough to hit your opponent and enough to make sure you aren't hit.


    I attempted to start a game last semester, but it died out because we couldn't get more than two people to show up at a time. One of the two that showed up had a martial artist that used his abilities and his CSLs to pretty much slaughter everything while the other PC couldn't hardly hit anything. It seems wrong that two characters based on the same points should be so wildly different.

  2. Re: Gamemastering Tutorial Adventures


    Thanks for the suggestions. I think what I am going to do is pre-build several characters (leaving out a small number of details so the characters can be customized a bit) and let my players choose from them to start out the campaign. We will then have the player's boss 'test' their abilities in 'simulated' combat. That way I don't even have to worry about plot until we have run a few combat simulations.


    Once I have gone through that, I will start running the campaign using several smaller adventures to build up the background for the rest of the campaign. During this time I will have each of the player's collaborate with me to build their own characters and once everyone is done we will move to the main event of the campaign.

  3. Re: Jack-Jack Parr


    I think that Jack-Jack's powers must be very versitile, but he probably can't control which one is active. :shruggs: Jack-Jack was the only part that bugged me about the Incredibles.

  4. Re: Which supers movies were better than you expected, which were worse?


    A lot of people told me that Batman Begins was an amazing movie, so I was completely dissapointed. Although it was entertaining.


    XMen 2 was AWESOME, if for no other reason than Nightcrawler. I always loved night crawler.


    Mystery Men was really funny as I recall, its been awhile though.


    The Fantastic Four was soooo boring... there was too much time spent on the whole 'we have super powers now what do we do?' thing.


    Unbreakable, while not an amazing movie was fun and it had a cool twist.

  5. Re: Superhero Archetypes


    To use your example' date=' elemental doesn't distinctly say anything about the structure of the character. Typically, earth elementals will be very different from fire elementals, or gravity, or magnetism, or pink fluffy goo. But it does suggest the SFX of a character, and gives a solid lead on where to go with the powers.[/quote']

    Exactly why I suggested the elemental type. In using that type, you have selected a theme upon which your character's powers are based. I think the whole point of the archetypes are to help facilitate character creation. Anyways... back to the archetypes.

  6. The 5th edition books list these as 'superhero archetypes':

    Brick, Energy Projector, Gadgeteer, Martial Artist, Mentalist, Metamorph, Mystic, Patriot, Powered Armor, Speedster, Weapons Master


    But what archetypes have you guys noticed that aren't listed. Please explain what the archetype is and give an example.


    Elemental: The elemental superhero has powers that all work around some 'element'. For example, Storm from the X-Men has weather related powers, while Magneto has the power to influence metal objects.

  7. Hi,


    I am planning on running a Champions game next semester, however none of us have ever played a game in the HERO system before. (Including Me) So what I was going to do is create some 'tutorial adventures' that would teach the concepts players will need to play. We all have experience with both the D&D and StarWars RPG systems already.


    I was wondering if anyone would like to help me come up with these adventures.


    Thanks in advance,

    Michael Martz

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