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Everything posted by alatre2000

  1. Re: Teleport catcher Hmm.. here's a thoughth for catching people like that Link two powers.. Like one being image, to fool the porter into porting 'close'. The other EB no range. When target is ported close he is Eb'd. Sfx could be it looked like a punch :-P
  2. Re: Teleport catcher Now here is where it gets weird.. Is teleport really more powerful then desolid? Because you can simply have str with advantage affects desolid. Why not have str that affects teleports aporting?
  3. Re: Teleport catcher Ok some more details are in order I think Think of it like this. Teleporter tries to go from A to B Player "catches" teleporter between these point. He doesnt need to know where teleporter is going or if destination is memorized or not. An entangle prevent the guy from leaving A. Now the closest I could come up with on the concept is STR with some power advantages. A little like a charactr with str that affects desolid characters, this character would affect teleporters. Basically teleporter ports. Player rolls to hit and 'hits', either making a grapple or a punch. Porter appears at character location and damage is processed normally. The porter can still make another port (but player can still try to catch him)
  4. Re: Teleport catcher Yep I am talking about a power that catches him mid teleport. Now I also want it to go this way. If he punches the guy or makes a grabble he can do it. So if we go with the entangle option.. Make it tied to STR will do it?
  5. Here is a power that ranks amongst the weird ones. How about 'catching' a teleporter mid teleport? How would you build that? Basically a character with this power could make a grab on a teleporting character. Or punch for that matter. It would only work if the opponent teleports.. It would only work if he 'hit' the teleporter just like in normal combat. I have 3 people working on that and they still couldn't agree after one hour.. Some say power drain, some say immunity, some say change environment... Me is more confused then ever
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