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Posts posted by Venger

  1. Re: Your Gaming Group's Jargon


    We have a few also. Some named, oddly enough, after the Players/GMs:


    "Drop the Bomb, Tom" Using a brute-strength action when finesse is required


    Actually it was "Hit the Bomb, Tom" physically doing something really dumb. Like punching an explosive bomb for no good reason.


    And a few more,


    By me "When all else fails ... use tactics." After the heroes regroup and defeat the bad guys.


    When encountering a locked door, “it’s stuck†All locked doors are just stuck. BTW Bricks are very handy at opening stuck doors.


    “Plan B – Blow it all up†When plan “A†fails, as it normally does.


    “It’s a fountain Taser.†When a player does something dump because he just doesn’t understand the situation.

    The paraphrased story.

    GM “It’s a fountain Taser.â€

    Taser “ I jump inâ€


    Taser “I jump in.â€

    GM “OK you jump in. Let me see your character sheet.†After seeing the player forgot his non swimming character has a Sus to water. GM rolls 3d6 “OK, take 15 stun from the water in the fountainâ€

    Taser “Ohhhhh its a fountain.â€


    “Coo-chee-coo attack.†When attacks just bounce off doing minimal to no damage.


    “Weaver’ed the dice†Rolling poorly. And it can spread too.

  2. Hey Steve.


    After checking the book I have a few questions about the Noncombat movement powers.



    When making a multiple phase noncombat leap do you pay the end cost once or every phase during the leap? Its not like there is anything for you to do in a mid-noncom Leap except hang there and wait to land, hopfully where you want to be.


    When using a multiple phase noncom leap what phase/segment do you land?




    It says no matter how many noncombat multiples a character has it take one extra phase. What is the character’s location while this noncombat teleport takes place?


    Do you disappear at the start of the teleporting phase and then appear at the destination at the end of the extra phase?


    Or are you standing there at ½ DCV till you actually teleport away at the end of the extra phase?


    Anyway thanks for your time.

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